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Message from Dean (Research)

Dean (Research)

Galgotias University is a research-inclined university with the infrastructure and facilities to achieve research goals by fostering innovative research initiatives. This leads the university to crown prestigious rankings and reputations.

At the heart of this research ecosystem is the Office of the Dean (Research), which plays a crucial role in nurturing a culture of inquiry and exploration among faculty, scholars, and students. The Research office is dedicated to intellectual growth of faculty, scholars, and students, encouraging questioning and stimulating their desire to explore.

Further, the office provides technical support for accomplishing research activities on campus. The University offers 40 PhD programs with a commitment to ensuring the quality of doctoral research. With the help of strategic planning and monitoring mechanisms, all PhD-related activities function smoothly with effective research outcomes.

Regular training programs are organized by the Research Office aimed at equipping research scholars with best practices, practical techniques for writing research papers, identifying suitable publishing platforms, and strategies for enhancing research visibility, citation, and impact. These initiatives aim to empower researchers and enhance the overall research culture at the university.

Active involvement of our faculty in more than 50 research groups, including Indian and foreign academic and industry collaborators, promotes collaborative interdisciplinary research and enables addressing complex, real- world challenges, resulting in quality publications in high-quartile journals and patenting ideas.

The Research Office plays a pivotal role in informing faculty about project proposal opportunities and providing support for effective proposal writing, resulting in increased grant approvals and incentivizing cutting-edge research endeavors.

The research office extends research opportunities to the university’s UG and PG students by proposing modern programs embedded with a futuristic curriculum incorporating today’s high-demand fields, helping our students get a chance to do research internships and projects. Through mentorship and hands-on experiences, our students are empowered with skills and mindset to become the next generation of researchers and innovators.

The Research Office warmly welcomes you to experience the vibrant research ecosystem at Galgotias University!

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