About GU Sports

Nothing is more worth it than a healthy body. Sports and games are an essential part of an individual's life, contributing to enhancing the quality of life. Understanding the importance of sports, Galgotias University promotes sports activities and ensures student participation. The university organizes inter-university and inter-college/department events that foster team spirit among the participants and make them disciplined.

Playing competitive sports has also proven to increase the rate of positive academic achievement among students. The dedicated sports department of Galgotias University provides students with a plethora of opportunities to maintain a healthy & active lifestyle while pursuing academic goals. This dedication makes sports an integral part of the University's academic structure.Galgotias University has many accolades to its credit both nationally & internationally.


Glorious Moments

The Galgotias Sports Department is a powerhouse of athletic achievement, dedicated to empowering our students to reach their full potential. Victories are more than just trophies; they represent the culmination of dedication and talent.

Our athletes consistently bring honor to the university, securing medals and top positions at prestigious tournaments across the nation. From National Championships to All India University competitions, they excel in a wide range of sports.

These are just a few examples of the countless victories that make up the glorious history of the Galgotias Sports Department. We remain committed to nurturing talent, fostering sportsmanship, and providing a platform for our students to shine on the national stage.


Sports Infrastructure

At Galgotias University, we firmly believe that sports play a crucial role in fostering holistic education. Our cutting-edge sports infrastructure is a testament to our dedication to nurturing talent and promoting the physical well-being of our students. Boasting over 20 distinct sports facilities, we offer an exceptional environment that cultivates athletic excellence. We are proud to provide state-of-the-art amenities that cater to a diverse range of sports, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to explore and excel in their chosen discipline. From expansive multi-purpose stadiums to specialized courts and fields, each facility is meticulously maintained to meet the highest standards of quality and performance.



Galgotias University is committed to prioritizing the physical well-being of its students through diverse sports programs.



Galgotias University is committed to prioritizing the physical well-being of its students through diverse sports programs.



As the Galgotias University sports council, we prioritize enhancing the physical and mental well-being of our students by introducing various sports activities.



Galgotias University places a high emphasis on promoting the physical well-being of students through various sports programs



As the Galgotias University sports council, we are committed to promoting the physical and mental well-being of our students through a variety of sports activities.



The Galgotias University sports council embodies the motto, "Work hard in silence; let your success speak."



Galgotias University's sports council provides students with access to recreational cricket setups.



Galgotias University's sports council recognizes the global appeal of soccer among youth



Galgotias University's sports council acknowledges the widespread enthusiasm for Futsal among the youth.



Galgotias University boasts a fully operational air-conditioned Gymnasium within its Sports Complex.



Galgotias University seems to be prioritizing the holistic development of its students by providing facilities and opportunities for sports, particularly handball courts.



Galgotias University could similarly leverage its facilities, such as Hockey ground, to foster students' passion for Hockey.



Galgotias University is dedicated to enhancing the physical and mental well-being of its students through sports, with a particular focus on Kabaddi


Martial Arts

Galgotias University is committed to fostering the holistic development of its students through martial arts.



Concentration is vital! Keep playing until all the balls on the snooker table are pocketed.



Galgotias University boasts a state-of-the-art skating facility, providing students with an exciting outlet for recreation and fitness.



Galgotias University proudly introduced its One squash courts in 2018, sparking intense and thrilling matches on campus.


Table Tennis

Galgotias University's sports complex welcomed three table tennis courts in 2013.



Concentration is vital! Keep playing until all the balls on the snooker table are pocketed.



In 2016, Galgotias University inaugurated its Yoga Hall, providing a serene space for students to practice and embrace the art of yoga.

Sports Core















Sports Testimonials


Joining the Galgotias martial arts team was pure luck, but it sparked a passion that would define my university experience. Little did I know, this initial step would lead me on a remarkable journey – from enthusiastic team member to Sports Club Head, and ultimately, the esteemed position of Sports Head at Galgotias University.

The path wasn't always linear. There were unexpected turns, demanding schedules, and the constant challenge of balancing academics with my growing sports commitments. Yet, with every obstacle, my skills grew. Organizing events honed my leadership abilities, while the unwavering support of my mentor, Mr. Prashant Bhardwaj, became my guiding light. He instilled in me the importance of staying calm under pressure, handling challenges with a clear head, and the invaluable life lessons that transcend the playing field.

To my core team, my dedicated martial arts team, my inspiring seniors, and my fellow batchmates – I am incredibly grateful. You are all part of the fabric of this incredible journey, a testament to the camaraderie and spirit that thrives within the Galgotias sports department. It's a community that fosters not just athletic excellence, but personal growth and lifelong connections.

This experience has been more than just a collection of victories and events. It's a story of dedication, resilience, and the transformative power of teamwork. I am truly thankful for every single person who played a role in shaping this unforgettable chapter of my life.

Prateek Kumar Singh Sports Head

It has been an incredible journey serving as the General Secretary of the Galgotias Sports Department. My tenure was marked by unforgettable experiences and growth, thanks to the support of my dedicated teammates and the guidance of Mr. Prashant Bhardwaj, our esteemed sports officer and mentor.

Throughout my term, I had the privilege of not only managing events and organizing tournaments but also forging lasting bonds with my basketball team and fellow core members. These experiences not only enriched my leadership skills but also created cherished memories that I will always treasure.

Mr. Prashant Bhardwaj played a pivotal role in my journey. His tough love and unwavering support pushed me to excel, both on and off the court. Despite the challenges, his mentorship and encouragement were invaluable in shaping my growth as a leader and athlete.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have served in this role, and I look forward to applying the lessons learned and continuing to contribute to the sports community at Galgotias University.

Yash Pratap Singh General Secretary

As the Chief Secretary of the Galgotias Sports Department, my role involves planning and execution of various sports activities and events. It has been a remarkable journey filled with challenges and rewarding experiences.

Managing sports activities and events has given me the opportunity to develop strong organizational and leadership skills. I've worked closely with a dedicated team to ensure that each event runs smoothly and successfully, fostering a vibrant sports culture within our university. Our efforts have not only enhanced student participation but also significantly raised the profile of sports at Galgotias.

In addition to my administrative duties, I have been an active player on the University basketball team. Balancing my responsibilities as Chief Secretary with my commitment to the team has been demanding yet incredibly fulfilling. This dual role has taught me the value of time management, teamwork, and perseverance.

My tenure as Chief Secretary has been instrumental in shaping my personal and professional growth.

Yuvraj Singh Chief Secretary

As the Joint Secretary of the Galgotias University Sports Department, I am proud to share my experience and insights about our dynamic sports culture. Our department is committed to fostering a spirit of teamwork, discipline, and excellence among our students.

At Galgotias University, we believe that sports are an integral part in nurturing the personality of a student along with Academics. The variety of Events and Tournaments develops a sense of belongingness as well as responsibility which helps in tackling the day-to-day problems as well.Whether it's on the field, court, or track, our athletes continuously demonstrate exceptional skill, dedication, and sportsmanship.

Being a part of the Sports Department has been a rollercoaster ride for me,entering in the scenario as a football team member in first year,it was a dream for me to be elected in the Football team,after a year I was elected as the captain of the team and a year later I got honoured with post of Joint Secretary in Sports Department.My journey has been memorable and was full of unwavering love and sport that I received from our Sports officer sir Mr. Prashant Bhardwaj,my mentor and football coach Yusuf Ahmed Sir and all my football team mates and Colleagues.

There's a quote that I love the most is 

"If you don't miss it ,then it wasn't memorable"

I will Surely miss it but I know Galgotias University will continue to be a beacon of excellence in sports, inspiring future generations of athletes to achieve their dreams.

Ashutosh Yadav Joint Secretary

Being the vice secretary of the sports council at Galgotias University is an honour and a privilege. I want to express my gratitude to my mentor and each and every team member for their unwavering support and faith in me. In order to give athletes the finest services and support possible to help them reach their full potential in their chosen sports, our council offers a variety of sporting activities at different levels. I want to express my gratitude to my mentor for pushing me to meet my goals and supporting me the entire time. Additionally, I want to express my gratitude to Galgotias University for providing me with this chance to demonstrate my dedication and enthusiasm for the council.

Nisha Roy Vice Secretary

"I am thrilled to testify that our sports department has witnessed unprecedented growth and success under my tenure as Residence Secretary. Our teams have excelled in various tournaments, and we've established a robust training program for athletes. I've worked tirelessly to ensure adequate facilities, equipment, and support staff, fostering a conducive environment for our students to thrive. I extend my sincere gratitude to our dedicated Sports Officer, whose tireless efforts and expertise have been instrumental in our achievements. Thanks to their hard work and passion, the department's vibrancy and energy are palpable, and I'm proud to have played a pivotal role in shaping the sporting landscape of our institution. I look forward to continued excellence and making a lasting impact on our students' lives."

Atul Mitra Pandey Residence Secretary

A significant aspect of my experience at Galgotias University over the past few years has been my involvement in Badminton and sports Management entity. Through the staff and the opportunities, the University has extremely provided, I have had the chance to experience a range of high-level competitions up to multiple levels. I, the Vice Resident Secretary of my University feels honoured and esteemed by serving, learning and contributing to the best of my capabilities. Last but not the least, A special thanks to the Sports Officer, Head, all the members and the sports department. Kudos to us for upholding the essence of the Sports Department.

Vanshika Vasvi Vice Residence Secretary

Annual Report