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Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Role and Responsibility of DQAC

  • Department Quality Assurance Cell is primarily responsible for the development of quality in the department in compliance with IQAC guidelines.
  • Ensure efficient functioning of the department towards quality enhancement.
  • Coordinate various activities of department and ensuring adoption of all best practices of Institution in the department.
  • Comply all the modalities framed by IQAC in collecting data or information on various activities of the department.
  • Efficiently executing the decision taken by IQAC.
  • Monitor and collect the departmental feedback responses from students, parents and other stakeholders.
  • Disseminate information on various quality culture that to be maintained in the department.
  • Organize workshops, seminars on quality enhancement and research.
  • Maintain departmental database for the purpose of NAAC.
  • Provide required details for IQAC in preparation of AQAR, SSR as per parameters of NAAC.
  • Documenting all departmental activities in chronological order for quality improvemaent.
  • Need to submit QCM File with action taken report, Internal Audit Report, Quarterly Departmental report.
Hey! I am Niaa... Your Admission Assistant.