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Programme Level
Cwork1+2Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. or DPhil) is the highest academic degree awarded for research in a particular subject or domain. The Ph.D. degree is typically required for employment as an assistant professor in the university, researcher, or scientist in many fields. Ph.D. helps researchers to start or continue their research in a field they are passionate about. The Ph.D. scholars are required to complete their research work under their guide/supervisor allotted by the university. Ph.D. degree is an earned research degree, those pursuing Ph.D. degrees are required to produce their original research work/project that expands the boundaries of knowledge and which is in principle worthy of publication in journals or as a book and also presented in conferences and seminars. Ph.D. scholars submit their research work in the form of a thesis or dissertation. Scholars must also defend their work before a panel of subject experts/examiners.