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Preparatory English Foundation Program

Students from non-English speaking countries who wish to enroll into regular programs of Galgotias University can enroll into a  Free of Cost preparatory program which is a combination of intensive English Training combined with Computer training, Maths, Physics and Chemistry (for students who wish to enroll in engineering programs). This program serves as an academic bridge in Computers, Mathematics and Basic Sciences between the students’ current qualification and those required for the commencement of their undergraduate studies at GU.

The English Language program is designed to develop skills needed for success in any English speaking environment. The program focuses on all four areas including reading; writing listening and speaking. The trainers of the program are experienced to cater to the needs of students from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. After successful completion of the program, the students will be awarded an English Proficiency Certificate.

Hey! I am Niaa... Your Admission Assistant.