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Policy To Protect Those Reporting Discrimination

Policy Adopted in: 2019

Last Updated in: 2023


This Policy applies to all the students, staff and visitors


  1. To ensure that all its employees and students can work in an environment free from unlawful harassment, discrimination and retaliation.



The university strictly prohibits any form of retaliation against individuals who report discrimination or participate in an investigation related to a discrimination complaint. Retaliation includes adverse actions, threats, intimidation, harassment, or any other reprisals against those involved in reporting discrimination.

Reporting Mechanism:

The university encourages individuals who believe they have experienced or witnessed discrimination to promptly report the incident to the appropriate authorities.


 The university is committed to maintain confidentiality to the extent allowed by law during the investigation of discrimination complaints. Information related to discrimination reports disclosed to those who have a legitimate need to know or as required by law.

Prompt and Thorough Investigations:

The university promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of discrimination.. Investigations is conducted by the central level committee formed by Hon Vice Chancellor who are impartial and unbiased.

Protection Measures:

The university implements interim protective measures for the individuals involved in a discrimination complaint to prevent further harm or retaliation. Protective measures may include temporary changes to work or academic arrangements, no-contact orders, or other reasonable accommodations.

 Disciplinary Action:

 Individuals found responsible for engaging in discrimination or retaliation are subject to disciplinary action, which may include counseling, training, suspension, or termination, as deemed appropriate.

 Educational Programs:

The university conducts educational programs to raise awareness about discrimination, reporting procedures, and the importance of fostering an inclusive community.