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Policies and lawmakers outreach and education

Policy Adopted in: 2014

Last Updated in: 2023


This policy applies to all staff 


To foster collaboration between academic institutions, policymakers, and legislators to address key issues in education policy and improve educational outcomes. 


Information Dissemination: GU will develop materials, reports, and briefings to inform policymakers about relevant research findings, best practices, and policy recommendations in education. This information helps lawmakers make informed decisions when crafting legislation or developing policies related to education.

Advocacy and Lobbying: GU engages in advocacy efforts to promote policies that support their mission and goals, such as increased funding for education, implementation of evidence-based practices, or support for specific educational initiatives. 

Legislative Testimony and Hearings: Academic experts, educators, and researchers from GU may provide testimony at legislative hearings or briefings to share their expertise and insights on education-related issues. 

Policy Research and Analysis: GU conducts research and analysis on current education policies, proposed legislation, and emerging trends in education. 

Professional Development and Training: Outreach efforts of GU include providing professional development opportunities and training sessions for lawmakers and legislative staff on education-related topics. These sessions can help policymakers deepen their understanding of complex education issues and stay informed about developments in the field.

Collaborative Partnerships: GU collaborates with government agencies, non-profit organizations, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders to advance common goals and priorities in education policy. These partnerships can facilitate knowledge-sharing, resource-sharing, and coordinated advocacy efforts.

Public Engagement and Community Outreach: In addition to engaging policymakers, outreach efforts at GU involve raising public awareness about education issues and encouraging community involvement in education policy discussions. This can include town hall meetings, public forums, media outreach, and social media campaigns.