Assistant Professor
Areas of Specialization
Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
M Pharm (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Professional Experience
• Worked as Quality Control Chemist in Skymap Pharmaceuticals Roorkee Haridwar for 8 months.
• Served as Assistant Professor in Kashi Institute of Pharmacy for 1 year 8 month.
• Worked in Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. as Junior Data Analyst for 6 months
• Served as Associate Professor in Kailash institute of Pharmacy and Management Gorakhpur for 4 year.
• Served as Associate Professor in S N College of Pharmacy Jaunpur for 1 year
• Worked as Principal in Sai hospital and institute of pharmacy Robertsganj for 6 months
• Worked as Professor at Apex institute of Pharmacy Chunar Mirzapur
• Worked as Professor at Sainath Institute of Pharmacy Robertganj
● Joined Department of Pharmacy, School of Medical and Allied Sciences, Galgotias University, Greater Noida as Assistant Professor and promoted as Associate Professor and engaged with B Pharm as well as M pharm students. Also guiding M Pharm students for their respective project work. (from 17 February 2023 to till date).
Major Publications
1. “ Analytical method development and validation of simple spectrophotometeric estimation of Lamivudine in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations” IJRPS
2. “Analytical estimation of Lansoprazole and validation of simple spetrophotometric estimation in bulk and capsule formulation” IJRPS
3. “Determination of Abacavir sulphate in tablet formulation and validation of simple spectrophptometric estimation in bulk and pharmaceutical formulation” IJRPS
4. “Rp-Hplc Method Estimation And Its Validation Of Abacavir Sulfate In Tablet Formulation In Bulk And Pharmaceutical Formulations”IJBPR
5. “A Validated Rp-Hplc Determination Of Lamivudine In Various Dosage Forms As Per Ich Guidelines”IJPDT