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Ms. Shreya Bajpai

Assistant Professor

Ms. Shreya Bajpai has pursued her B.A.LL.B.(Hons.)from DAVV University, Indore(M.P.) and her Masters from Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur with specialisation in Intellectual Property Laws. She is also a research scholar of Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur. She began her career as an Assistant Professor (Law) in the year 2021.

EXPERIENCE – Two years’ experience as an Assistant Professor.

Qualification – BA.LL.B. (Hons), LL.M, and Ph.D (pursuing)


  • Published paper titled, “Unveiling Crispr dispute between EU and US: Suggesting scientific policy, legal framework for the future” in Scopus and Web of Science Indexed Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation ISSN 2651-4451| e-ISSN 2651-446X.
  • Published paper titled, “A Probe into the Judicial Competence and Independence: A dainty Projection” in Manupatra and Google Scholar indexed International Journal of Legal Science and Innovation. ISSN 2581-9453
  • Published Paper titled, “The Indian Constitution and Analyzing the Legality of Aadhar Card Verdict” in Google Scholar indexed Law and Political Review. ISSN 2581-7191
  •  Published Paper titled, “HUMAN RIGHTS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: A STUDY OF RELATIONSHIP AND CONFLICT” in HEINONLINE, MANUPATRA, Google Scholar, ROAD indexed International Journal of Law Management & Humanities. ISSN 2581 – 5369
  • Presented paper with title, “Traditional knowledge in the shackles of intellectual property law: A study relating to Rights of Indigenous people” in one day international seminar on “Emerging Trends of Intellectual Property Rights” organized by Law Mantra Trust in collaboration with ILI, New Delhi; RGNUL, Punjab; CNLU, Patna; MNLU, Nagpur; SRM, Sonepat on 17th April 2021.
  • ➢ Presented paper titled, “Indigenous People, Climate change and traditional knowledge: A Synthesis of impact and experiences” in one day national e-
  • seminar on “Effects of climate change in the contemporary world” organized by Jagran Lake University, Bhopal in collaboration with Centre for Environmental Law, Education, Research and Advocacy (CEERA), NLSIU, Bengaluru.

Area of Interest 

Intellectual Property Right Laws and Information and Technology Laws.

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