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Mrs. Kiran singh

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Kiran singh is currently working as an Assistant Professor in School of computer Science & Engineering. She has total experience of more than 15 years of teaching and has been associated with Galgotias University since 2018 . She is firm Believer of productivity and efficiency in work. She Exhibits an honest work ethic with the ability to excel in fast-paced, time-sensitive environment. Being a passionate teacher, she believes that teaching is not merely restricted to making the students understand the underlying concepts of a course but also to develop critical thinking and evaluate alternate approaches for problem solving. She always put her efforts to promote the growth of the students and departmental activities.


·         15 years of teaching experience


·         Pursuing P. hD (NIT,Patna)

·         M.Tech

Other Academic Responsibilities

·   Coordinator of Hacker Rank & Code Chef from September 2021 to till date.

·  Course Coordinator (Introduction to Algorithm Analysis & design, operating System, Cryptographic fundamental, Data Structures Using C, Probability for data Science, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning).

·         NBA – Criteria 2 Member - School of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, April 2018 – October 2019.


Award & Recognition


·         1. Awarded for 11th position in University in (Comp. Sc.) (Session 2004-05).………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

·         ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


· She has presented Research papers in various National and International conferences & more than 10+ articles in Scopus indexed international conferences, journals, book chapters and 1 Indian patent.     


Professional Certifications:


·         Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay certified C, C++.

·         Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay certified java

·         Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay certified PHP & MySQL.

·         Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay certified Python.




1.    Successfully participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Block chain" from 11-05-2020 to 15-05-2020 at Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University).

2.      Participated in the Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on Data Analytics Using python from 18-05-20 to 22-05-20 (One Week) Organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department NITTTR, Chandigarh.

3.      Attended Four Week FDP on Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching Learning Process

from 14 Sep. 2017 – 12 Oct. 2017.

4.      Attended Four Week FDP on Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning

from 3rd Aug. 2017 – 7 Sep. 2017.

5.      participated & completed successfully AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Block chain" from 2020-12-7 to 2020- 12-11 at Amity University.

6.      participated & completed successfully AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Towards 5G Communications & Beyond with IoT, Machine Learning" from 2020-11- 23 to 2020-11-27 at Goa College of Engineering.

7.      participated & completed successfully AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Data Sciences”," from 2020-12-15 to 2020-12-19 at NIT Mizoram.

participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Block Chain”, from 2020-12-7 to 2020-12-11 at NIT Mizoram.


1.      Received certificate of completion of “SQL+ Tableau“ from 365 Data Science on 15th April 2020.

2.      Received certificate of completion of “Introduction to python “from 365 Data Science on 15th April 2020.

3.      Completed the course Teaching And Learning in Engineering (TALE) From NPTEL in 2019

Area of Interest

·         C,C++, Java, Python

·         Data science & Machine learning

·         Image Processing

Other Achievements
2. Certificate for appreciation as a mentor for the NPTEL online certification course (Programming in C++)
3. Certificate for appreciation as a mentor for the NPTEL online certification course (Programming, Data structures and Algorithms using Python)
4. Certificate for appreciation as a Top performing mentor (Jan.-June 2018) for the NPTEL online certification course (Problem solving through programming in C).
5. Certificate of appreciation for reviewing the translated files of the course

programming data structures and algorithm using python” offered by Chennai mathematical institute in Hindi language,04 Jan 2019. 

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