Assistant Professor
Dr. Ravindra Kumar is currently working as Assistant Professor in School of Agriculture. He has completed his Ph.D. Agriculture (Entomology) from Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology. His research focus area is Honey Bees and has also completed a Training programme on Palynological study of Honey. HE has presented his research work in a number of seminars and symposias.
1 year
Ph. D Agriculture (Entomology)
Award & Recognition
Young Scientist Award
Best poster presentation Award
National fellowship Award UGC
He has published 8 papers in various journals of repute.
Gender Justice & Workplace Security, Offered by NPTEL
Short Course on- " How to Plan, Write and Submit Project Proposals"
Area of Interest
Agriculture Entomology
Integrated Pest Management
Insecticidal Toxicology