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Mr Rahul Kumar

Assistant Professor


Mr. RAHUL KUMAR is currently working as Assistant Professor in the School of Computing Science and Engineering. he has a total experience of more than 4 years of teaching. He has been associated with Galgotias University since 2017. he is a firm believer in productivity and efficiency at work. he Exhibits an honest work ethic and the ability to excel in a fast-paced, time-sensitive environment. Being a passionate teacher, He believes that teaching is not merely restricted to making the students understand the underlying concepts of a course but also to developing critical thinking and evaluating alternate approaches for problem-solving. He always puts his efforts toward the overall development of his students. He has convened/organized more than 40 co-curricular/Extracurricular events for the benefit of students in the past 5 years.

Experience and Designation:

  • 4 years of teaching experience

Academic Qualification:

  • M.E. in Computer Science and Engineering
  • B.E in Computer Science and Engineering

Publications: (mention in numbers)

  • International/National Conference Publications:2

Area of Interest:

  • Discrete structure
  • Compiler Deign
  • Data structure
  • Deign analysis algorithm
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