Associate Professor
I am PhD in Physiotherapy (Pain Sciences) working as an Associate Professor and Member Secretary Research Ethics Committee at Galgotias University Greater Noida India. Former PhD coordinator NIMS University. I have been scientific committee Chairman for 12 International and National conferences. He has a special area of interest in Clinical Research and has published 32 papers in International and National Journals. I have been involved in research for more than 8 years now. I am also an Editor and Peer Reviewer for numerous International Journals. I have been awarded certificate of excellence on many occasions from Ministry of Defence Saudi Arabia; Special Forces Oman and have been felicitated with many awards Nationally and Internationally Awards. I also serve as President of Indian Clinical Research Association (ICRA) since 2019.I have been a mentor and guide for many PhD Scholars and PG students.
I am having total 8 years of experience in Academics and Research.
Research and Publications:
Scientific Research Publications: |
33 (Web of Science/Scopus/Pubmed & Other Databases) |
Cumulative Impact Factor (IF) |
54 |
Conference Proceedings |
2 |
Awarded Copyrights (Government of India) |
01 |
Patent Published (Government of India) |
01 |
Memberships of Scientific & Professional Societies:
1. Life Member Indian Association of Physiotherapists (IAP): L-29136
2. Lifetime Member International Health & Fitness Association (IHFA): IHFA19141
3. Lifetime Member Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy: AOMPTM 160-L
4. Lifetime Member Physiotherapy Foundation India:
5. Indian Clinical Research Association: ICRA/P/1001
Scientific Research Publications:
Sr |
Year |
Author |
Title |
Journal |
Status |
Indexing |
01 |
2024 |
Mohammad Sidiq, Aksh Chahal, Janakiraman B, Kashoo FZ, et al
Effect of Dynamic Taping on Neck Pain, Disability and Quality of Life in patients with Chronic Nonspecific Neck pain in Randomized Sham Control Trial |
Peerj |
Published |
Q1, Web of Science SCIE, Pubmed Central (PMC), MEDLINE, Scopus, Journal Citation Reports, Google Scholar, Europe PMC, DOAJ, |
02 |
2024 |
Mohammad Sidiq, Aksh Chahal, Sachin Gupta, KR Vajrala |
Advancement, utilization, and future outlook of Artificial Intelligence for physiotherapy clinical trials in India: An overview |
Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation |
Published |
CrossRef, Harvard Library ,Google Scholar,Latindex Catalogo 2.0,Malena, Wizdom
03 |
2023 |
Mohammad Sidiq, Ramachandran A, Janakiraman B, Kashoo FZ, Aksh Chahalet al
Adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the Hindi version of Neck Disability Index in the rural population of Northern India: A cross cultural study 10.12688/f1000research.142451.1
F1000 |
Published |
Scopus (Q1) & PubMed & PubMed Central |
04 |
2023 |
Sidiq Mohammad, Aksh Chahalet al
Effect of blood flow restriction training on pressure pain threshold and hand function among adults with persistent neck pain: A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
F1000 |
Published |
Scopus (Q1) & PubMed & PubMed Central |
05 |
2023 |
Gaurav Kapoor, Aksh Chahal, Mohammad Sidiq et,al |
Dietary and Physical Exercise Facilitation for Cardiovascular Health in Indian Subcontinent
Journal of Lifestyle Medicine |
Published |
06 |
2023 |
Annu Chikara, Mansi Jain, Aksh Chahal, Mohammad Sidiq et,al |
Role of Yoga in Minimizing Stress and Anxiety in Women Experiencing Dysmenorrhea |
Journal of Lifestyle Medicine |
Published |
07 |
2023 |
Vijay Selvan, Arunachalam Ramachandran, Althaf Mohamed, Mohammad Sidiq |
Physiotherapy Quarterly |
Published |
Scopus Q3, |
08 |
2022 |
Kashoo, F.Z.; Al-Baradie, R.S.; Alzahrani, M.; Alanazi, A.; Manzar, M.D.; Gugnani, A.; Sidiq, M.; Shaphe, M.A.; Sirajudeen, al. |
Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Augmented with Motor Imagery and Upper-Limb Functional Training for Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
Published |
Scopus, Q2, PMC, PubMed MEDLINE |
09 |
2021 |
M Sidiq, Wadha Al Enazi, FZK,Abu Shaphe, M Qasim et al |
Prevalence of non-specific chronic low-back pain and risk factors among male soldiers in Saudi Arabia
Peerj |
Published |
Pubmed Central (PMC), MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science SCIE, Journal Citation Reports, Google Scholar, Europe PMC, DOAJ, |
10 |
2022 |
Mohammad Miraj, FZK,Mohammad Sidiq,SHakir Saleem,Mazen Alqahtani |
Prevalence of night eating syndrome associated with psychological disorders among university students: A metaanalysis
Journal of King Saud University-Science |
Published |
SCIE Q1, Scopus, PMC, PubMed, MEDLINE, |
11 |
2020 |
Zaki NF, Sidiq M, Qasim M, Aranas B, Hakamy A, Ruwais NA, et al. |
Stress and Psychological consequences of COVID-19 on Healthcare workers |
Journal of Nature and Science of Medicine |
Published |
12 |
2023 |
Mazen , Mohammad Sidiq et al |
Effect of Neural mobilization in Bell’s Palsy- A randomized controlled trial |
Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal |
Published |
ESCI, Scopus Q3, PUBMED Central, DOAJ, CINAHL |
13 |
2021 |
Alaa Alshaibat, Mohammad Sidiq, Qasim M, Wadha al Enazi |
A multi-disciplinary team approach to a bilateral infected pressure sore following paraplegia A case report |
International Journal of Physiotherapy |
Published |
ESCI, Google Scholar |
14 |
2020 |
Fritz, Nicole,Page Phill, yadav M, Mohammad Sidiq, et al |
Applying a menthol pain reliever prior to strength training reduces chronic low back pain and increases functional capacity in overweight or obese older adult |
Journal of Human Sport and Exercise |
Published |
Scopus Q3, ESCI, |
15 |
2020 |
Torkamaneh,Gene, Jorge,Yadav M, Mohammad Sidiq, Colado, Juan C, et al |
Preventive effects of garlic and lemon extract combined with aerobic exercise on blood metabolic parameters and liver enzymes |
Journal of Human Sport and Exercise |
Published |
Scopus Q3, ESCI, |
16 |
2023 |
Mohammad Sidiq, Balamurugan Janakiraman, Ramachandran A, et al |
Chronic Neck Pain and therapeutic role of myofascial release followed by cervical offload dynamic tape: a case series |
European Chemical Bulletin |
Published |
Q3 Cross ref, Creative commons, ORCID, Elsevier, |
17 |
2023 |
Balamurugan Janakiraman, Ramachandran A, Hariharasudhan R, Mohammad Sidiq |
Development, validation and psychometric assessment of Large muscle performance test( LAMP-test) for the Sarcopenia geriatric population to assess functional muscle strength based on performance: study protocol |
European Chemical Bulletin |
Published |
Q3 Cross ref, Creative commons, ORCID, Elsevier, |
18 |
2023 |
Balamurugan Janakiraman, Hariharasudhan R, Mohammad Sidiq, Kshama Shetty |
European Chemical Bulletin |
Published |
Q3 Cross ref, Creative commons, ORCID, Elsevier, |
19 |
2023 |
Balamurugan Janakiraman, Parthasarathy R, Koushik Kumar, Mohammad Sidiq |
European Chemical Bulletin |
Published |
Q3 Cross ref, Creative commons, ORCID, Elsevier, |
20 |
2023 |
Hariharasudhan R, Balamurugan Janakiraman, Mohammad Sidiq, Kshama Shetty |
European Chemical Bulletin |
Published |
Q3 Cross ref, Creative commons, ORCID, Elsevier, |
21 |
2023 |
Nandini Kushwaha, Neha Vyas, Mohammad Sidiq, Janvhi Singh |
Effect of multimodal stimulation along with music therapy after traumatic head injury: a case study |
HIV Nursing |
Published |
Q4 Scopus, CINAHL, Thomson Gale, Embase |
22 |
2023 |
Sharad Kumar Kedia, Mohammad Sidiq, Manohar Gonnade, Yadav M et al |
Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative results |
Published |
Baidu Scholar, Ex Libris, Google Scholar, pro Quest, EBSCO |
23 |
2023 |
Mohammad Sidiq, Sai jaya Prakash CH, Nandini Kushwaha, Et al |
Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative results |
Published |
Baidu Scholar, Ex Libris, Google Scholar, pro Quest, EBSCO |
24 |
2022 |
Mohammad Sidiq, Arunachalam R, Faizan ZK, Rajesh K Sahu et al |
Neuroquantology |
Published |
Baidu Scholar, Ex Libris, Google Scholar, pro Quest, EBSCO |
25 |
2022 |
Faizan Zaffar Kashoo, Mehrunnisha, Mohammad Sidiq, Hadel Shahood |
Annals of Saudi Medicine |
Published |
Q3, PubMed, PMC, DOAJ, Scopus |
26 |
2021 |
Mohammad Sidiq, Arunachalam R, Faizan ZK, et al |
Effect of pain education and exercises on sciatic scoliosis with low back pain. "A case report |
Indian Journal of Natural Sciences |
Published |
Clarivate Analytics, ESJI,Root indexing, ICMJE |
27 |
2021 |
Faizan Zaffar Kashoo, Mehrunnisha, Mohammad Sidiq, hanaa Alkhawari |
Annals of Saudi Medicine |
Published |
Q3, PubMed, PMC, DOAJ, Scopus |
28 |
2021 |
Nora Mohammad, Mohammad Sidiq, Hedaya Alblewi, Mehul contractor |
Prevalence of Burnout among Physicians at King Salman Armed Forces Hospital, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia |
Rheumatic Diseases and Treatment Journal |
Published |
Google Scholar, Researchgate, CKNI |
29 |
2020 |
Divya S, Arunachalam R, Janani Ravi. Mohammad Sidiq et al |
Influence of Number of Repetition and Variety of Task in Upper Limb Motor Recovery in Hemiplegia |
Journal of Physical Medicine Studies & Reports |
Published |
Google Scholar, Researchgate, Semantic Scholar, ICMJE |
30 |
2020 |
Mohammad Sidiq, Mohammad Qasim, Wadha Al Enazi, Hatem Sharaf Eldin |
IP International Journal of Orthopaedic Rheumatology |
Published |
Google Scholar, |
31 |
2023 |
Sisay Deme, Balamurugan Janakiraman, Abayneh Alamer, Mohammad Sidiq |
BMC Nephrology |
Under Review |
Q2, SCIE, PMC,PubMed, Scopus |
32 |
2023 |
Mohammad Sidiq, Tufail Muzaffar, Balamurugan Janakiraman, et al |
Plos One |
Under review |
Q1, SCIE, PMC, Scopus, PubMed Central |
33 |
2020 |
Sheeba Kausar, Mohammad Sidiq, Himanshu Mathur |
Effectiveness Of Home Based Exercise Programmes For Patients Suffering From Low Back Pain: A systematic Review |
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts |
Published |
Google Scholar, |
1. Design Patent” Stress & Anxiety detection band” granted by the Patent Office, Government of India
S.NO |
01 |
Research Methodology course in Health Sciences 2731 Dec |
2020 |
02 |
FIFA Diploma in football Medicine |
2020 |
03 |
Certificate of participation in The concept of Rhythm Therapy |
2020 |
04 |
World Rugby Strength & Conditioning Programme LEVE I & II |
2020 |
05 |
Certificate course in Pediatric Musculoskeletal clinical Skills by Newcastle university |
2020 |
06 |
Physioplus certificate course on Introduction the shoulder |
2020 |
07 |
Physioplus certificate course on ACL Rehabilitation |
2020 |
08 |
Certificate course Clinical athlete”Pain Sciences & what you need to know” |
2020 |
09 |
Certificate Course in Foundations of Pain By Modern Pain Care |
2020 |
10 |
Certificate course in Manual Therapy for mechanical neck pain |
2020 |
11 |
Certificate course in Multidisciplinary principles for pain management (FIND) By FIND institute UK |
2020 |
12 |
NHCPS BLS course |
2020 |
13 |
Certificate course in How to publish your research |
2019 |
14 |
Certificate course in Research Methodology in Health Sciences |
2019 |
15 |
Certified Peer Reviewer By Elsevier Netherlands |
2019 |
16 |
International Diploma Ergon IASTM |
2019 |
17 |
Dynamic Taping |
2019 |
18 |
Cervical & Lumbar Manipulations |
2015 |
19 |
NDT & Bobath |
2004 |
20 |
Cervical Manipulation |
2001 |
I am passionately focused on working on multidisciplinary Orthopedic Rehabilitation and research initiatives, namely clinical trials and cross-sectional studies, innovation, and research. I want to work on new difficulties since they provide him the chance to express myself.
Former Research Coordinator, Rehabilitation Medicine, Northern Area Armed Forces
Hospital, Ministry of Defense Saudi Arabia
Name |
Designation |
University/Hospital |
Email ID |
Mobile No |
Dr Mohamed Faisal |
Assistant Professor |
King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah KSA | |
+966582898065 |
Dr Mohammad Kalim |
Senior Therapist |
Al Razi Hospital Ministry of Health Kuwait | |
+96569393413 |
Dr Mohammad Qasim |
Senior Specialist |
Ministry of Defense Saudi Arabia | |
+966532934820 |
Contact Information:
Mobile No: +916006204628
Email ID:
Passport Number: P9619526
I declare all information provided is true to best of my knowledge.
Date: 25/12/2023
Place: Greater Noida UP India