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Assistant Professor

Saurav Kumar is assistant professor of English at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Liberal Education, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India. He holds a Ph. D. in English Literature from Banaras Hindu University. His doctoral research is titled "Fiction as Gerontological Resource: A Critical Study of Select Novels". His primary research area is literary and cultural gerontology. Saurav loves to work at the intersection of gerontology, cultural studies and literature.


  • Ph.D., English, Banaras Hindu University. 2021. Thesis’s Title: “Fiction as Gerontological Resource: A Critical Study of Select Novels.”
  • UGC NET-JRF. 2018.
  • MA, English, Banaras Hindu University. 2015. 66.8% (CGPA- 7.13).
  • BA (Honours), English, Banaras Hindu University. 2013. 72.3% (CGPA- 7.68).
  • Intermediate, CBSE. 2010. 74.4%.
  • Matriculation, CBSE. 2008. 84.6%.


  • Literary Gerontology
  • Cultural Gerontology
  • Body Studies
  • Intersectionality 
  • Transcultural Humanities
  • Vegan Studies


Journal Articles

2022 “‘No Country for Old Women’: Female Aging in Bollywood.” Indian Journal of Gender Studies, vol. 29, no. 3, October 2022, pp. 335-352. doi: 10.1177/09715215221111137 

2022 “Experiences of Old Age in Indian Fiction: A Study of Two Indian Short Stories.” The Gerontologist, vol. 62, no. 3, April 2022, pp. 445-451. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnab114 

2020 “Gerontological Ethos in Karnad’s Yayati: Interrogating Ageing in Indian Culture.” The Indian Journal of English Studies 57: 312-322.

2019 “Old Age, Body and Disease – A Study of Upamanyu Chatterjee’s The Last Burden.” Muse India Issue 86. Web. Accessed 25 January, 2020. <>.

2018 “Replacing the Centre with the Periphery: A Postmodern Inquiry with Special Reference to Literary Gerontology.” The Literary Pearls (An Annual International Refereed Research Journal of English Language and Literature) 6: 185-190

2017 “Communicating Shakespeare in Haider: A Critical Study.” SOURCE: A Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 7: 89-94.

2014 “Feminism in Kamala Das’s An Introduction.” TheInteriors (Referred) 3: 205-208.

2013 “Man-Woman Relationship in Kamala Das’s The Freaks: A Feministic Approach.” TheInteriors (Referred) 2: 264-266.

Book Chapters 

2022 “Screening the Experiences of Indian Older Women: A Study of Five Hindi Short Films.” The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems. Eds. Rajendra Baikady, Sajid S. M., M. Rezaul Islam, Jaroslaw Przeperski, Varoshini Nadesan, M. Rezaul Islam, Gao Jiangao. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-68127-2_292-1

2022 “Reformative Aspect of Bhasha Literatures and Aging in India: Old Age, Body and Locale in Hindi Short Stories.” The Routledge Companion to Humanism and Literature. Ed. Michael Bryson. Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003046004-11

2022 Kumar, Saurav, and Banibrata Mahanta. “Aging, Literature and the Humanities: Transcultural Perspectives on Literary Gerontology in South Asia.” Transcultural Humanities in South Asia: Critical Essays on Literature and Culture. Eds. Waseem Anwar and Nosheen Yousaf. Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003039549-33 

2021 “Veganism, Hinduism, and Jainism in India: A Geo-cultural Inquiry.” The Routledge Handbook of Vegan Studies. Ed. Laura Wright. Routledge, pp. 205-214. doi: 10.4324/9781003020875-21 

2019 “Magahi’s Search for Identity: A Diachronic Inquiry.” Discerning Buddhism in Contemporary Scenario. Patna: Impression Publication. 270-276. 


2021 Kumar, Saurav, trans.“The Bed” by Priyamvad. Indian Literature (A Journal of Sahitya Akademi), vol. 65, no. 1, January-February 2021, pp. 127-132. 


Peer-reviewed for 

  • The Gerontologist(a journal of The Gerontological Society of America; published by Oxford Academic
  • Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems (Palgrave Macmillan).


  • Worked as an editorial assistant for The Volcano (vol. 5 (2016), ISSN 2278-8069), a journal of the Department of English, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.


  • Life Membership – Association for English Studies of India
  • Life Membership – Balvant Parekh Centre for General Semantics and Other Human Sciences, Baroda
  • Annual Membership – European Network in Aging Studies (Oct., 2021-Oct., 2022)
  • Membership – EASA’s Age and Generations Network (EASA: European Association of Social Anthropologists).