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Dr. Md Chand Rashid


Dr. Md Chand Rashid is currently working as A Professor in School of Business. He is heading marketing department. He has total experience of more than 18 years of teaching and industry. He has been associated with Galgotias University since 3rd March, 2014. 

He has participated in numerous Conferences and Faculty Development Programs (FDP). He has also conducted MDPs and workshops He is the author of numerous national and international publications. Three patents are also in his credit.


  • 18 years teaching and academic.


  • PhD (Management), Banasthali University; MBA, Jamia Millia Islamia University; UGC NET (Management) Advance Diploma in Mass Media, JNU, PGDIRPM, BVB, New Delhi

Award & Recognition

  • Best case presentation award won at Jaipuria Institute of Management, 14th June 2014 Noida, UP, India 


    • Rashid, Md, Chand (2009), Strategic Tourism Marketing, Business Research, PP104-112, Vol July 2009, (ISSN 09722785)
    • Rashid, Md, Chand (2010), Contemporary Management Education Marketing Practices, Business Research, pp68-76, Vol January 2010, (ISSN 09722785)
    • Rashid, Md, Chand, Purohit, Harsh., Singh, Balgopal. (2014), Study of Consumer Buying Behaviour for National and Private Brands in Men’s Apparel Category, Journal of Knowledge Management and Information Technology, pp45-70, Vol-1, Issue 2, July December 2016 (ISSN No. 2349-3135)
    • Rashid, Md, Chand, Purohit, Harsh., Singh, Balgopal. (2016), Comparative Analysis of Customers' Preference for National Brands Vs. Private Labels in Men's Apparel Category in Delhi-NCR, Journal of Knowledge Management and Information Technology, pp 25-58, Vol-4, Issue 1, January- April 2016, (ISSN No. 2349-3135)
    • Rashid, Md, Chand, Khan, Ilyas. (2016), Rise and Fall of a Leading Business School in NCR, Excel India Publisher, pp 283-287, September, 2016
    • Rashid, Md, Chand (2017), Art of Creating a Private Label, Journal of Knowledge Management and Information Technology, pp1-6, Vol-5, Issue 1, January- April 2017, (ISSN No. 2349-3135) 
    • Rashid, Md, Chand (2017), Indian Management Education System: Challenges and Remedies, Bloomsbury Prime, pp 22-27, September, 2017
  • Jitender Kumar, Monisha, Ashish Gupta, Md. Chand Rashid and Hari Shankar Shyam, (2020), Impact of Services Quality in E-Banking: Evidence from Indian Public Banks, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Volume 24, Issue 1 (ABDC – Category B)
    • Kumar, J., Gupta, A., Tapar, A.V. and Khan, Md. Chand Rashid. (2020), "EXOS: does the retention of salesforce matter in entrepreneurial start-ups?", Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 10 No. 3. (SCOPUS)
  • Rahman M, Rashid, Md, Chand, K Jitender, Does Consumer Demographics Effect Store Loyalty in Departmental Stores? (2020)Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Volume 24, Issue 4 (ISSN 1528-2678) (ABDC – Category B)
  • Jitender Kumar, Sweta Dixit, Ashish Gupta, Md Chand Rashid, Swiggy Refurbishes Trust: Managing Reputation Meltdown Through Public Relations, Vision-The Journal of Business Perspective, March 2021, (SCOPUS).
  • Sharma Ravikant, Rashid M C, Srivastava Pramod, Srivastava Shailendra, Rehman Mujibur, Sharma Ajay, The Study of Convergence of Corporate Entrepreneurship, and Service Quality leads to Organizational Performance (2020) International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol 29, No. 4. (SCOPUS)
  • Chaturvedi, Anamika, Rashid, Md Chand, Rahman, Mujibur, “Impact of Demographic variables on consumer Awareness, Health Consciousness & Perception towards organic food” (2022), Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, Volume XIV, Issue 2, 2022 (SCOPUS)
  • Chaturvedi, A., Rashid Chand, M., & Rahman, M. (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 on consumer behaviour towards organic food in India. In Predictive and preventive measures for Covid-19 pandemic (pp. 127-148). Springer, Singapore. (SCOPUS)
  • Thakur, Priti, Rashid, Md Chand, Rahman, Mujibur, A study on consumer psychographics and its impact on use of e-wallet services, (2021), Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, Volume XIII, Issue 3, 2021, ISSN No: 1006-7930 (SCOPUS)
  • Thakur, Priti, Rashid, Md Chand, Rahman, Mujibur, (2021) Temperament Personality Trait and Its impact on Preference for E wallet Usage, International Journal of Creative Research Thought, Volume 9, Issue 1 January 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882, (UGC)
  • Chaturvedi, Anamika, Rashid, Md Chand, Rahman, Mujibur, (2022), Consumer Behaviour and Purchase intention towards organic food: A Review and Research, International Journal of Creative Research Thought, Volume 10, Issue 3 March 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882 (UGC)


NPTEL/SWYAM Certifications:

  1. Teaching and Learning in Engineering, Feb-March 2019, Score 75%
  2. Sales and Distribution Management, Feb-April 2019, Score 73%
  3. Teaching and Learning in General Programs, July-August 2019, Score 76%
  4. Accreditation and Outcome Based Learning, August October 2019, Score 83%
  5. Strategic Management, Swyam-IIMB, 2022, Score 81%
  6. Services Marketing, Swyam-IIMB, 2023, Score 77.3%
  7. Integrated marketing Communications, NPTEL- IIT-Roorkee, 2023, score 72%

Google Certifications

  • Google Digital Unlocked: Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
  • Google AdWord Certified 2018

Area of Interest

  • Integrated Marketing Communication,
  • Product and Brand Management 
  • Retail Management,  
  • Services Marketing
  • Strategic Management
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Digital Marketing
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