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Dr. Hemlata

Assistant Professor

Dr. Hemlata is Ph.D. Horticulture with specialization in Floriculture and Landscape Architecture from IARI, New Delhi (out-reach campus ICAR-IIHR Bengaluru), M.Sc. (Ag) Horticulture from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and B.Sc. (Hons.) Horticulture from Dr. YSP University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan. She is skilled in AutoCAD, ERDAS and ArcGIS to understand, teach and utilize recent technologies in research. She is expert in growing plant without soil through advance technology like Aeroponic, hydroponics.


  • 2 years of Teaching


  • Ph.D. Horticulture (Floriculture and Landscape Architecture)

List of Publications

  • Influence of Paclobutrazol on Growth and Seed Yield in African Marigold. 2016. AK Singh, and Hemlata. Environment and Ecology. 34 (4C):1900-1902.
  • Socio economic status of potato farmers in Agra district of Uttar Pradesh. 2017. Ishan Yadav, Hemlata and Satyen YAadav. doi:10.5958/2229-4473.2017.00027.1
  • Effect of paclobutrazol on growth and flowering in marigold cv. Pusa Narangi Gainda.2017. Hemlata and Anil K Singh. Chemical Science and Review Letters, 6(22):653-656.
  • Effect of physical, chemical and biological corm treatments on vegetative growth, flowering, corm characters and corm rot in gladiolus. 2019. Hemlata, Manjunatha Rao, S Sriram, R Venugopalan, Rajiv Kumar, MV Dhananjaya and Leela Sahijram. International Journal of Chemical Studies. 7(4K): 607-611.

List of Book/Book chapters:

  • Anil Kumar Singh, Anjana Sisiodia, Jaymala Singh, Raimani Hembrom, Asmita and Hemlata. Improved varieties and scientific cultivation of gladiolus. Zonal vegetable, fruits and Flower exhibition held during 15 and 16 Feb 2014, State Horticulture, Company Bhag Varanasi. (In Hindi)
  • Status of floriculture. T. Manjunatha Rao, Raimani Hembrom and In International Short term training Programme under India-Africa Forum Summit on Hitech Floriculture held during February 15-25, 2018. Published by The Director, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru. Page 1-4.
  • Crop improvement and production technology of gladiolus. T. Manjunatha Rao, Raimani Hembrom and In International Short-term training Programme under India-Africa Forum Summit on Hitech Floriculture held during February 15-25, 2018. Published by The Director, ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru. Page 36-44.

Trainings attended

  • MOOCs based eLearning Programme on “Sustainable Soil Management” during Nov 01-December 31, 2023, conducted by MANAGE Hyderabad.
  • Training on “Wildlife Management using Geospatial Technique” (Level-6 of NSQF) under GSDP of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Gov. of India at WWF India, New Delhi from 15 Nov 2019 to 14 Jan 2020.
  • “Assisted Pollination Technique in Custard Apple Hybrid Arka Sahan” organised by ICAR-IIHR Bengaluru, held on 03rd May,
  • Training on Computer Aided Designs (CAD) for landscaping held at ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru, 7th to 9th September,2016.
  • In-plant Summer Training at HPMC Ltd., Fruit Processing Plant, Parwanoo, Distt. Solan (HP) w.e.f. 03rd April to 15th June 2012.

Honour & Awards

  • Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship to pursue Ph.D. degree
  • ICAR National Talent Scholarship during BSc (Hons) Horticulture.
  • First Prize in poster presentation entitled “Vertical Farming Prospects and Challenges in India” held during International Conference on Vertical Farming in 2015.
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