Assistant Professor (Grade-III)
Dr. Gaurav Gupta has approximated 15 years of experience as an educator, trainer, and researcher to his credit. After obtaining B. E. (Electrical & Electronics), CDAC, PGDM Services and M.B.A all in first division he has been awarded Ph.D. in management from university of petroleum and energy, Dehradun. Currently he is associated as a full-time faculty with Galgotias University. Dr. Gaurav has published various papers in national and international journals of repute like ABDC, Scopus and UGC approved journals He has also presented papers and cases in national and international conferences held in prestigious Institutions IIT. He is a team member of the editorial board of the Journal of Management and Service Science. He has awarded with Best research paper Award. He has been also awarded with Guest of Honour as Key note speaker in 4-week Technology based Entrepreneurship development programme . He has acted as an editor of a project by Mc Graw Hill Education & Conference proceeding. Dr. Gaurav has been associated as a corporate trainer /resource person to impart training to employees on Global Management Programme. He has organized various FDPs.He has carried various visiting assignment too. He has also filed two patents. Research Project on Environment Protection (Being carried on) in Himalayan Region.
Award & Recognition
Area of Interest
Other Achievements:
1-Reference No202211050378 “METHOD OF ENHANCING AN ADOPTION OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES” has been filed in association with Galgotias University.
2-Reference No. 202311028332 “E-Finance Reforms and Governance Model to reduce risk in the financial sector.”
3- Mentees have won the second prize in Open House Projects competition held in Galgotias University.
4-Headed– OBE - NBA -Criteria 3
5- Headed - OBE- NAAC -Criteria 2
6- Organized an FDP on Structural Equation ModellinginGalgotias University.
7-Organized FDP on Identifying Research Gap and crafting a publishable Manuscript.