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Dr. Chandra Sen

Assistant Professor

Dr. Chandra Sen is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the School of Liberal Education. He is a firm believer in productivity and efficiency at work. He Exhibits an honest work ethic with the ability to excel in a fast-paced, time-sensitive environment. Being a passionate teacher, he believes that teaching is not merely restricted to making the students understand the underlying concepts of a course but also to developing critical thinking and evaluate alternate approaches for problem-solving. He always puts his efforts towards the overall development of his students. He has participated in many conferences, seminars and workshops both at national and international levels. He has worked as Research Officer at the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi and was involved in evaluating various Central Government schemes at pan-India levels. For 2018-2020, he received  China India Scholar-Leaders Fellowship, India China Institute, The New School, New York, USA.  He also visited China twice and did extensive fieldwork for his doctoral and post-doctoral research work.


  • MA, M.Phil and PhD in International Relations
  • UGC-NET & JRF International Relations

Award & Recognition

  • Indian Council of Social Sciences Research Doctoral Award

Research Publications

  • 2022-Pandey, Surabhi and Chandra Sen, Blockchain Technology in Real Time Governance: An Indian Scenario, Indian Journal of Public Administration, 68(3) 397–413, IIPA Reprints and,DOI:10.1177/00195561221105241,
  • 2018-Preferential Policy: Concept, Debates and Contestation in China, EDU WORLD, A Multidisciplinary International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal, Vol. XVIII, Number - 1 February, 2018 ISSN No.:2319-7129
  • 2017-State Policy and Social Transformation: Responses and Implications of the New Social Dynamics in China, NAM Today: An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal, ISSN No: 2347-3193, Vol. LVXIX, No. 07, July, 2017
  • 2016-Communist Regime in China: Ideological Departures from Mao Zedong to Deng Xiaoping, The Voice: An International Refereed Research Journal, ISSN No: 2348-6708, Vol. III, No. 4, Oct-Dec. 2016.


  • 2021-Recognition of accomplishing the International Seminar on Forward-Looking Education Policies from the Perspective of the Rule of Law (Eurasian Region)” From 26th October to November 1st 2021 Hosted by Shanghai University of Political Science and Law and China National institute of SCO International Exchange and Judicial Cooperation.

Area of Interest

  • Global Politics/International Relations
  • Understanding Political Theory/Thought
  • Social and Economic Exclusion in China and India
  • Higher Education in China and India
  • Understanding Ambedkar and Gandhi

Book Published


Other Achievements

  • 2018-2020 China India Scholar-Leaders Fellowship, India China Institute, The

New School, New York, USA

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