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Events, Arts & Culture

Dexterix 3.0

Dexterix, a 24-hour mega event that ignites the passion of over 1000 tech enthusiasts across India, is an event worthy of recognition. Dexterix 3.0 was held this year from March 11th to 12th and was a full day filled with technology, fun, and innovation. This event is organized by Team Technojam, the Technical Club under the GU Student Council, in partnership with the University's School of Computing Science and Engineering. It is a themed competition that attracts participants from more than 100 colleges and universities across India, embodying the spirit of innovation while promoting a love for technology and its incredible applications in all areas of life. Imagine coding for 24 straight hours with 8 themes at hand, all for the sake of experience and, of course, the chance to win a cash prize of 2.5L rupees. The adrenaline rush could be felt by everyone during the numerous evaluation rounds, preparation periods, and all other activities. This event, which brought a festive atmosphere to coding, culminated in tears of joy and tremendous success. Fortunately, Dexterix will return once again with its best offerings.

