Galgotias University is instrumental in implementing curricular reforms, which have created a national impact such as mandatory Industry internships embedded in syllabi, Self-Study Courses, CBCS, Credit transfer system, multidisciplinary approach, interdisciplinary approach, relative grading and University core courses.
Galgotias University has a well-defined approach to design/develop/revise/amend curricula.
As the initial step, the schools collect the feedback on curriculum from its stakeholders. The Program Assessment Committee (PAC) reviews the feedback collected and then the curriculum is recommended to the Pre-BOS for modifications. It is checked whether the Vision, Mission, Program Outcomes, PEOs, PSOs are defined for the Programs and are in line with the Vision and Mission of the University. It is verified that the Curriculum has the right blend with courses on Core Subject Knowledge, Humanities and Sciences, Ethics, and University Core Courses like Environmental Sciences, Artificial Intelligence, Waste/Disaster Management, Basic Digitization Skills, Communication and Soft Skills, Professional Ethics and Human Values, Community Outreach, Digital awareness, Industry 4.0 (AI, Big Data, Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, IoT), sustainability. It's being ensured that all courses, approximately 15-20%, are based on current technology developments and revised every year.
The Pre-BOS is chaired by the Dean of the School. Clarification, expertise is sought and if required industry is consulted, benchmarking is done and then final recommendations are submitted for BOS. The program design and course curricula are ensured to meet the latest quality benchmarks and industry expectations. Final recommendations are presented in the Board of Studies (BOS). The entire effort has been made in line with the broad guidelines of the concerned statutory bodies, making the curriculum employable, relevant to the industries nearby, and relevant to local and global. The recommendations from BOS are presented to the Academic Council for approval and to crosscheck the adherence to university policies.