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Centre for Ethics

“Naitik Bharat – Khushahal Bharat”

The Centre for Ethics in Galgotias University has been established with an overall objective of rebuilding and reenergising an Ethical India (Naitik Bharat).

Ethics is based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do. It is also seen as a code of behaviour by which an individual should conduct herself. At the heart of ethics is a concern about something or someone other than ourselves, our own desires and self-interest. Ethics is concerned with other people's interests, with the interests of society, with the ‘ultimate good’. Thus, when people think ethically they are giving some thought to something beyond themselves. Truth telling is one of the fundamental assumptions of ethical behaviour. The others are non-malfeasance (to do no harm), beneficence (to do well to others), confidentiality (to respect privacy) and fairness (to be fair and socially responsible).According to Drucker, the only ethics needed for all is contained in the Hippocratic oath “ primum non nocere" ("above all, not knowingly to do harm").

Ethics had been an inalienable element of Indian society. Over the years there is sharp decline in ethics and ethical behaviour in society, governance, polity, business, public and private life. Ethics can be demolished by a single act of selfishness or greed since it is very fragile. We see ethics breaking every moment in government, business, society and in the family. We are facing a crisis of ethics at all levels and in every profession including private life and family. To remedy this, we need an intensive, uninterrupted and lasting movement for Ethical India called Naitik Bharat. Rebuilding ethical values in the society is vital to the development and happiness of our country.The Centre for Ethics is established keeping all these objectives in mind.

  1. To take all measures to develop an Ethical India called Naitik Bharat;
  2. To work for reconstructing ethical values in society, institutions, business, government and public and private life;
  3. To spur a lasting movement for building an Ethical India;
  4. To establish a centre for higher learning in ethics and to do research in the field of ethics;
  5. To create awareness and develop processes for preventing corruption and promoting integrity;
  6. To design and initiate academic courses in Ethics and allied subjects at higher levels in the universities and academic institutions;
  7. To organize interactive lectures and talks by the eminent people in the field of ethics;
  8. To organize training programs formoral rearmament of students, public servants and private employees/people;
  9. To create Ethics GyanKosh;
  10. To organize webinars, seminars, symposia and workshops relating to ethics;
  11. To bring out publications of research, and best practices in the field of ethics;
  12. To work for creation of an ethical milieu in educational institutions for inculcation of ethical values among students catching them young; and
  13. To lobby against corruption andany breech of ethics in public and private life making institutions accountable to the Constitution and constitutional morality andto the people.
Ten Pillars of Naitik Bharat
  1. Ethical Family/Society
  2. Ethical Leadership
  3. Ethical Governance (Public/Private)
  4. Ethical Thinking/Conduct to Prevent Corruption
  5. Ethical Audit
  6. Ethical and Moral Rearmament
  7. Ethical Development
  8. Ethical Education
  9. Ethical Research
  10. Ethical Use of IT
Ethical Committee
Sl No.  Name Designation
1 Dr. Avadhesh Kumar, PVC Chairperson
2 Dr. A.K Jain, DSW Member
3 Dr PKS Nain, Chief Proctor Member
4 Prof. (Dr.) B Rajanarayan Prusty, Dean Research Member
5 Dr. Anamika Pandey, Chairperson, ICC Member
6 Dr. Nitin Gaur, Registrar Member Secretary 
Ethics GyanKosh

Ethics GyanKosh is a repository of all material relating to the Ethics. It consists of a library and collection of books, articles, case studies, stories, lecture, best practices, and audio visuals/films in the field of Ethics.

Ethical Audit Girish Chandra
Click Here
Inaugural Session of Naitik Bharat by Mr. Prabhat Kumar
Click Here
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