NSS - National Service Scheme
With Moto of "Not me, But you" The caravan of the National Service Scheme started on 24 September 1969 from the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. In fact, as an Indian, the nation is paramount for all of us and serving our nation is the first objective of every citizen. For the accomplishment of mentioned objective, currently the NSS is providing a designated platform in different states to Youth for their all-round and inclusive development by organizing related creative activities in schools and universities, so the Youth power can be utilized in Country service.
In fact, around the 1960s, on the suggestion of the then Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, a commission was formed to orient the youth towards national service. It was the responsibility of this commission to set up an organization that would organize the youth and ensure their contribution towards the national progress. As a result, the scheme was started on the basis of experimentation in selected schools and educational institutions of that time. Now it can be proudly mentioned that approximately 25 lakh students are involved in this organization which started with merely with 40 thousand students. The main goal of this scheme is to develop the personality of the students as well as motivating them for social service. If put in simple words, this scheme is to energize the wandering, aimless youth of the country by revitalizing and engaging them in constructive and public welfare services, as well as motivating the youth for employment-oriented education.
The insignia of this organization is based on the chariot cycle of the Konark Sun Temple in Odisha. This cycle expresses the period of creation, preservation and release, stating the importance of speed in life beyond time and space, giving great importance to karma in our mythological scripture Srimad Bhagavat Gita, it has been said that no human being can live without karma even for a moment. On the same lines, the National Service Scheme is a sign of making efforts to continuously move forward to bring change and up liftment in the society.
This organization lays special emphasis on the development of self-motivation and self-discipline. Actually in psychology, it is believed that discipline should not be imposed on any human being, but it should be self-created by the consciousness of the individual, because following the following principles keeping in mind the overall development of a person's personality through social service. Must be followed.
The above principles show that a person makes necessary efforts to develop himself. Apart from this, he interacts with the concerned officers and employees and finds out the needs, difficulties and available resources of the society and uses them for proper contamination.
Apart from this, this organization also follows the following objectives
By joining this organization, the youth class tries to use its knowledge and experience in the direction of finding a solution to the problem, which along with the strengthening of the youth power, encourages the unity and integrity of the nation. This organization has helped in accelerating the implementation of other schemes and policies of the government at the national level, making the government schemes out of paper documents to be meaningful on the ground of reality.
In fact, many important meaningful initiatives have been taken by the youth associated with this scheme in very less expenditure. Such as relief work done in emergency, health and family welfare and dietary nutrition programs, education and recreation, production-oriented activities, environmental protection and enhancement, social service related programs, pollution control, etc. Youths are directly involved in the development and development of the nation.
This scheme has made a best and successful attempt to connect the youth with the mainstream of the country after independence. The achievements of this scheme in a short span of time show its importance for all round development of the nation. By joining this scheme, the youth recognizes their lost self-confidence and power and can save themselves from the evils of suicide and many social crimes in present day unemployment.
The following activities are organized under the National Service Scheme.
How to register with the NSS
The registration of this scheme is free, for which the student contacts the designated National Service Scheme Program Officer in his school, college and universities. The duration of this scheme is two years and a total of 240 hours of social service has to be dedicated in this time period. The volunteer associated with the National Service Scheme has to contribute 20 hours of orientation and 100 hours of community service every year.
Miss Pranjali Mishra
NSS Program Coordinator
Galgotias University
The basic unit of NSS normally comprises of 100 volunteers at school/ college level. Galgotias University NSS unit in an institution is led by a teacher designated as ‘Programme Coordinator (PC)’ Dr Vijay Kumar, which plays a pivotal role as an educator, organizer, coordinator, supervisor, administrator and public relations person for the NSS unit.
At University Level, there is an NSS Cell and a designated Programme Coordinator (PC) to coordinate the NSS activities in respect of all NSS units in the University and its affiliated colleges.
Similarly, At State level, there is a State NSS Cell headed by a State NSS Officer (SNO), located in one of the Departments of the State Government.
At the National Level, there is a Directorate of NSS, which functions through 15 Regional Directorates (located at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Patna, Pune and Thiruvananthapuram).
In addition, there are Advisory Committees at National, State, University and Institution level, comprising of official and non-official members, to provide necessary guidance to the NSS functionaries.
Benefit for Students/ National Service Scheme Volunteers