Event Date: 03rd December 2024
December 3, 2024, marked a significant milestone for Galgotias University as it celebrated World Disability Day and the 2nd Anniversary of its Disability Rights Clinic (DRC). The event, held under the theme "Family Inclusiveness," emphasized the vital role families play in promoting equality and inclusivity for People with disabilities.
Dr. Smitha Nizar, the Head and Founder of the Disability Rights Clinic delivered a welcome address highlighting the reason for celebration of anything good happens in human life and the significance of acceptance and recognition for People with Disabilities through celebrating World Disability Day.
The Disability Rights Clinic, at Galgotias University, aims to provide a platform for individuals with disabilities to advocate for their rights and to support families in creating inclusive environments. By promoting inclusivity and challenging societal stereotypes, the DRC strives to create a future where every individual with a disability has the opportunity to experience the acceptance, support, and belonging that family provides.
Dr. Smitha Nizardelivered a welcome address andhighlighted the importance of new Disability Rights Paradigm for acceptance and recognition of people with disabilities in families and ultimately in the society. A Nukkad Natak performance on the topic of "Parvarish" and the theme of family inclusiveness was conducted by the DRC student team. The drama aimed to raise awareness about the importance of inclusive parenting and the need to break down societal barriers that exclude people with disabilities. The program featured a keynote speech by Nilesh Singit and Dr. Jagdish Chander, followed by a panel discussion on Disability Rights and Family Inclusiveness. Nilesh Singit is a renowned Disability Rights Activist and an Inclusion expert from India. DR. Jagdish Chander is an academician from Delhi University and a forefront of Disability Rights Movement in India.
The program provided a space for the audience to share their experiences of Social stereotypic Implications. A few people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities shared their discriminating experiences from the society. The World Disability Day celebration has also noted with the DRC Impact Testimonies that changed a few of the members’ view about disability due to DRC’s disability literacy programs. The event also included the launch of the Disability Rights Clinic's 2nd Anniversary Report and next year's Annual Plan. The report highlighted the DRC’s inauguration on December 22, 2022 in alignment with the United Nations convention on the rights of Persons with Disabilities. It also highlighted the "Invisible Disability Rights week" hosted by DRC from 17 to 21 of October 2023, emphasizing the right and accommodation for individuals with invisible disabilities. The DRC launched its official logo on October 28, 2023, highlighting inclusivity and awareness for disability rights. In collaboration with Grads International School, the DRC conducted an outreach program to promote inclusive education. The report mentions the symposium titled "Gender Justice: The Twin- Track Disability Rights Perspective’ conducted on April 6,2024. This previous event addressed the double discrimination faced by women and girls with disabilities. December 3, 2024, the World Disability Day and DRC 2nd Anniversary celebration marked Galgotias University’s commitment to create a better world for all.
The World Disability Day celebration was well-attended by Law students, at Galgotias University, including, students, teachers, and also the students with disabilities of Grads International School. The participants also included faculty members, students, and representatives from various organizations working in the field of disability rights. The audience was deeply moved by the performance and appreciated the efforts of the Disability Rights Clinic in raising awareness about disability rights and inclusiveness.
Event Outcome
The Disability Rights Clinic, at Galgotias University, aims to provide a platform for individuals with disabilities to advocate for their rights and to support families in creating inclusive environments. By promoting inclusivity and challenging societal stereotypes, the DRC strives to create a future where every individual with a disability has the opportunity to experience the acceptance, support, and belonging that family provides.
Mentor Name – Prof. Dr. Smitha Nizar
Department Name – Department of Legal Studies