Event Date: 22nd August 2024
Galgotias School of Nursing at Galgotias University organized a Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) event titled “Empowering Nursing Education through Digital Health: Innovation, Integration & Impact.” The program was Chaired by Dr. (Prof.) Lekha Bist, the Dean of GSON, with Ms. Deeksha Pandey serving as the Organizing Secretary. Participants earned 2 credit points from the UP-Nursing Council for their involvement It focused on how digital health technologies can transform nursing education through innovative practices, seamless integration, and meaningful results. The program was structured into five sessions, each led by a different speaker.
Planning and Preparation
The event began with a Pre-test administered via Google Forms, followed by the first session delivered by Ms. Ritu, Assistant Professor at GSON, Galgotias University, who spoke on “Health Informatics in Nursing Education.” This was followed by Mr. Vipin Peter Charan, Manager of Nursing Training & Education at Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi, who discussed “Digital Transformation in Nursing: Paper to Pixels.”
The third session was presented by Prof. R. Sreeraja Kumar, Associate Dean at Sharda School of Nursing and Research, Sharda University, Greater Noida, focusing on “AI & Machine Learning in Nursing Education.” Ms. Anugrah Charan, Tutor at KGMU School of Nursing, KGMU, Lucknow, U.P., took the floor next, discussing “Patient-Centered Care & Digital Health” from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. Following a one-hour lunch break, Dr. Suresh K Sharma, Clinical Nurse Specialist at Digital Health Innovation & Research NRC, India, led the fifth session on “Digital Health Standards Adoption in Nursing Practice and Documentation.”
The final session was presented by Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Associate Professor at AIIMS, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, on “The Future of Digital Health in Nursing: Simulation & Virtual Reality.”
At the end we distributed refreshment and express gratitude to the organisation gave opportunity to express our views on the theme for the day.
No. of Faculty: 5
Event Outcome – The program concluded with a post-test for participants and a vote of thanks to both the external speakers and attendees, acknowledging their contributions to the event's success.
Mentor Name – Prof. (Dr.) Lekha Bist
Department Name – Galgotias School of Nursing