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Visit of Hon’ble Justice U.U. Lalit

Event Date: 19th July 2024

 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Uday Umesh Lalit, former Chief Justice of India and a stalwart legal figure received a warm and enthusiastic welcome as he visited the Galgotias University campus. The inaugural session commenced with a felicitation of the Hon’ble Justice by Shri. Suneel Galgotia; Chancellor, Galgotias University. The CEO of the University, Dr. Dhruv Galgotia and the Director Operations, Ms. Aradhana Galgotia also graced the occasion to support their vision of constant deliberation with and amongst the law students and faculty that seek to become holistic legal professionals. The Opening Address was presented by Prof. (Dr.) Naresh Kumar Vats, Dean, School of Law in which he also intimated the Law School's achievements and initiatives to our distinguished guest Hon’ble Justice U.U.Lalit.

The subsequent sessions featured presentations on various programs and initiatives at the School of Law including the New Curriculum in sync with the New Education Policy, Value-Added courses, Disability Rights Clinic, Artificial Intelligence and Technology Centre, Moot Court Society, Legal Aid Clinic and Mediation Centre. Each presentation demonstrated the school's commitment to innovation, social responsibility, and student empowerment. One of the student representatives shared experiences and anecdotes of the life on campus.

Subsequent to this, Justice Lalit shared his valuable thoughts and insights on the legal profession and the role of academia in shaping the future of law. The question-and-answer session and the collaborative rumination between the Justice, students and faculty provided a worthwhile platform for a very engaging, effective and stimulating dialogue.

The eminent jurist Honb’le Justice U.U.Lalit addressed a group of students and shared an evolved and modern perspective and practical advice on the pursuit of law as a career. The esteemed judge put the spotlight on morals as a significant aspect to fulfil the role of a lawyer and provided treasured guidance to the students to be fully prepared for the challenges of the legal profession. He stressed upon the crucial role of research in building a strong foundation for any case.

The students inquired about the career options for law in India and were assured that the legal field offers a wide range of opportunities, encouraging them to stay curious and adapt to new developments.

Justice UU Lalit also reflected on the impact of technology in modern courts, nostalgically recalling the difficulties of drafting petitions and researching in the past. He highlighted the benefits of technology, citing the example of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which has streamlined processes and enhanced efficiency for legal professionals.

The session concluded with a Vote of Thanks delivered by Prof. (Dr.) Renu Luthra, Advisor to Chancellor and Former Vice Chancellor, Galgotias University.

Department Name – School of Law

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