Event Date: 06th - 08th August 2024
Training Overview
The training sessions were conducted by CESIM experts, focusing on the application of simulation tools tailored to each department’s needs. Faculty members from Marketing explored simulations that mirrored real-world marketing challenges, allowing them to experiment with strategic decisions in a risk-free environment. HR faculty delved into simulations that highlighted organizational behavior, recruitment strategies, and employee engagement. The Communication department benefited from simulations designed to enhance crisis management and corporate communication skills. Operations faculty were introduced to simulations that addressed supply chain management and production efficiency, while the Finance department engaged with simulations that dealt with financial planning, investment strategies, and risk management.
Key Highlights
This training marks a significant step forward in Galgotias University’s commitment to providing a contemporary and engaging curriculum. The integration of simulations into the teaching methodology is expected to enrich the learning experience for students, making them more adept at handling real-world business challenges. Special recognition goes to Mr. Rohan Jugran for his pivotal role in organizing and facilitating the training sessions. The event not only enhanced faculty capabilities but also underscored the university's dedication to academic excellence.
No. of Attendees: Respective Division Faculties
Internal: SOB Faculties
External – None
Event Outcome:
Faculty members across departments (Marketing, HR, Communication, Operations, Finance) gained practical experience in utilizing business simulations, enhancing their ability to deliver industry-relevant education.
The training facilitated the incorporation of simulations into the curriculum, ensuring that students will benefit from interactive, experiential learning methods aligned with real-world business scenarios.
The event fostered collaboration among faculty from different departments, encouraging the exchange of ideas and best practices for integrating simulations into various courses.
The program underscored the importance of combining case studies, simulations, and corporate guest lectures in every course, leading to a more comprehensive and engaging learning experience for students.
The collaboration with CESIM strengthened Galgotias University’s ties with industry leaders, paving the way for future partnerships and continued innovation in the academic curriculum.
Mentor Name – Mr. Rohan Jugran
Department Name – School of Business