Event Date: 27th August 2024
Galgotias School of Nursing organized an Educational Field Visit at the New Delhi Tuberculosis Centre a State TB training and demonstration center Programme titled the visit “Sensitization Regarding the Tuberculosis Program” Ms Gurpreet Kaur, the Public Health Nurse, chaired the program. Ms Sneha and Ms Shivani faculties of Galgotias School of nursing arranged the program after formal permission and guided the students to reach the destination.
The Programme session began with a brief introduction regarding tuberculosis by Dr. Rajpal, the Director of the New Delhi TB Center.
Dr Matt, the Epidemiologist of the New Delhi TB Centre took the session in which he explained the detailed description of tuberculosis disease which includes etiology, clinical manifestation, classification, pathophysiology, and some preventive measures.
The final session was conducted by Ms. Gurpreet Kaur, PHN New Delhi TB centre. In which she elaborated on the medical and preventive measures associated with TB.
eventually, the event was ended with vote of thanks along with group picture
The students had a quality time there. They also provided the students with some of their products which they enjoyed with great pleasure
Student: 34
Faculty: 2
The educational visit to Tuberculosis visit was a successful and enriching experience for the students.
Conclusion and Future Recommendations
This was a fruitful talk for the students as they gain knowledge and idea about the visit
Event Outcome - Event was a great success which shows a lot of hard work and strength of group who worked altogether to achieve goal.
Mentor Name – Ms. Sneha
Department Name – Galgotias School of Nursing