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Role of women in agriculture A key driver for achieving zero hunger

Some students and faculty members of B.Tech Civil Engineering Galgotias University have designed and fabricated a “Pond Cleaning Machine”. This project emphasis on design and fabrication of the pond, canal water waste cleaning machine. The work has done looking at the current situation of water wastage or save the water which are dump with multi-millions liters of sewage and loaded with pollutants, toxic materials: like plastics, dead animals, woods, vegetables waste which is decomposed in water and debris etc. The main aim of the project is to reduce the man power, time consumption for cleaning the river. In this project we have automated the operation of river cleaning with help of a motor and chain drive arrangement. This machine is able to access the water at deepest level of pond where manually couldn't be able to access, as well as reducing the human life risk from diseases, cuts, which is directly cause to human beings, animals & wild animals, birds and fishes through which reached to human body as the part.

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