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Policy and Guidelines for the Minor Program


The NEP 2020 focuses on providing accessible, inclusive and equitable education. The pedagogy used in a classroom must reflect the inclusive approach so that learners can relate what is taught in the class with the multiple perceptions and realities they experience.

There is a need to change the pedagogical approach to instill in the students the multidisciplinary approach for understanding the core concepts, identifying and formulating problems, and exploring possible solutions. Accordingly, the university has adopted multidisciplinary approach by creating several Minor programs.

The Minor program enables students to apply the knowledge gained from their Major and pursue additional academic interests in contemporary fields. It also provides opportunities for students to pursue higher studies and interdisciplinary research, thereby increasing the overall scope of undergraduate degrees. To receive a minor degree at graduation, all the academic requirements of the chosen minor program must be completed by the student.

Student who want to enroll for a minor program can do so during the semester they apply to the program provided that they are meeting certain conditions set by the university following a critical evaluation of the courses that they have completed as per the requirement in their previous semester. Though it may vary program to program, most of the minor programs require a minimum six courses to be successfully studied. While doing so, major program courses and designated minor program courses must not be cross-listed. A student who has left a minor program cannot re-register again to the same minor program.


The purpose of these guidelines is to regulate the principles for the execution of minor programs that will be opened in order to ensure that students who successfully enroll in their major undergraduate programs are registered with a limited number of courses within the same higher education institution to receive a minor degree that does not replace a diploma.


These guidelines cover all undergraduate-level students registered in minor programmes at Galgotias University, as well as the units and the individuals responsible for planning and implementing the guidelines.


  1. The overall responsibility for the execution of these guidelines shall be under the privilege of Hon. Vice Chancellor.
  2. The Dean (Academic)/Registrar is responsible for the preparation and revision of these guidelines.
  3. School Deans are responsible for offering the minor programs and sharing these guidelines among the students.
  4. Students are responsible for keeping themselves informed about the guidelines and are expected to follow the same.
  5. The Dean (Academics)/Registrar and Controller of Examinations are responsible for proper implementation of minor programs.


Within the context of the minor program, it is compulsory to take the courses as prescribed /approved by the academic council and to succeed in all such courses for the award of minor degree. These courses are created by the schools/departments in consultation with other schools/departments.


  1. Students who enrolled for a four-year undergraduate degree program are eligible for enrolling into the minor program.
  2. A student is eligible to register only for one minor program during their period ofstudy following university notification.
  3. The students have to complete a minimum of 24-32 credits to be eligible for the award of minor degree.
  4. Students can apply to the minor programs at the beginning of the first/second academic year considering the number of credits they have completed earlier to commencing the minors.
  5. Students who want to start the minor program can start in the period when they apply for the minor program provided that they have successfully achieved all the academic requirements prescribed and they shall not have any backlog papers from the previous semester courses.
  6. Students who have successfully completed all credit courses in the undergraduate program until the semester (first/second Academic year) are eligible to apply for a minor program.


In order to qualify for the award of minor degree, the number of credits (24-32 as prescribed) must be earned by the student.


  1. Students can leave the minor program by submitting a withdrawal request to the Dean (Academics)/Registrar and COE which shall be duly vetted by the dean of the school offering the minor programme. The Dean (Academics)/Registrar and COE shall approve the request following the university norms and notify the same.
  2. Students leaving or dismissed from minor programs must repeat the courses in which they have failed and obtain a passing grade.
  3. Students who are considered to be on leave from the major program, are deemed to be on leave from the minor program also.
  4. Students who do not take courses from the minor program for two consecutive semesters are automatically deregistered from the minor program.


  1. The rules and policy guidelines can be changed by the Academic Council, from time to time, and shall be binding by all the concerned stakeholders.
  2. All students are responsible for following the guidelines issued by the university from time to time in this regard.


The relevant application forms are archived by the Office of the Dean (Academics)/Registrar.


The responsibility of revising and updating these guidelines falls under the office of the Dean (Academics)/Registrar.


Curricular Framework and Credit System for Four Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUGP), University Grants Commission, GoI.