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Physico-Chemical And Microbiological Studies On Quality Of Drinking Water In Different Areas Of Gautam Budh Nagar, (U.P) India

This research focuses on evaluating the quality of drinking water in an integrated industrial complex in the state of Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India. This region is host to various industries, including electronic, chemical, textile, distillery, and numerous small and medium enterprises. It employed a comprehensive set of tests, including those for turbidity, pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids, total hardness, acidity, alkalinity, chlorides, and biological parameters. 

Water quality standards, which are legal requirements defining the uses of a water body and the necessary quality to protect those uses, serve as a benchmark for the assessment. The results provided valuable insights into potential areas of concern, allowing for informed decision-making and remedial actions to ensure the provision of safe and potable drinking water to the residents of Gautam Buddha Nagar.