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NISE Visit

Event Date: 24th May 2024

Mr. Vikrant Yadav, Deputy Director (Tech.) NISE described about Research & Development Cell at NISE Gurugram. During introduction phase, he explained that at present NISE Gurugram is generating 150 GW solar power and it aimed to generating 500 GW solar power in coming 7-8 years so that major demand of electricity could be fulfil by renewable energy sources. In addition, he also explained the need of green hydrogen plant so that minimum dependence on non-renewable sources of energy like petrol and diesel fuels.

He also emphasized that the campus is beautifully landscaped with green vegetation and R&D projects such as Swajal, 1.0 MW Solar Thermal Power Plant, 500 kWp Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant, 150 kWp Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic Power Plant and 120 kWp Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant for hydrogen facility to harness the solar energy to the maximum extent. 

He told about the main objectives of NISE Gurugram include (i) To function as the National Research Organization for undertaking and/ or sponsoring Research and Development Projects on various aspects of solar energy technologies; (ii) To ct as an Apex organization for testing, certification, development of specification, and standards; and (iii) To create skilled man power and offer consultancy services on Solar energy technologies.

He explained about the future and importance of Green Hydrogen Power Plant. Hydrogen promises to be a Green Fuel for the sustainable development. As a fuel when the Hydrogen gas is burnt in the Combustion Engine, it gives water and no Hydro carbon/ CO2/CO emissions are present. The Hydrogen Division of NISE at present has a Solar based Hydrogen Generating Facility.

There was a 5Nm3/hr capacity of Electrolyser for our Hydrogen Dispensing station. The Alkaline based Electrolyser uses the Ground water and with Electricity generated from Solar Power plant. We produce Hydrogen of 99.9999% purity [Fuel cell grade]. NISE boasts of the state of the art infrastructure for the Hydrogen Facility.

This is the India’s first Solar Based Hydrogen Generating facility, unlike other Hydrogen stations worldwide Hydrogen station is directly coupled to the Solar Power plant. As of now only very few Hydrogen station operate in Directly Coupled mode.

He briefly described about Solar photovoltaic division at National Institute of solar energy (NISE) focuses on sustainable development of photovoltaic technologies by Evaluation of Technical, Environmental, and Economic performance, cooperation with institutions and industry, testing and standardization. One of the major functions is coordination with Regional Test Centers (RTCs) and Standards Organizations. We conduct our research in collaboration with IIT’s , Other Universities, solar industry and foreign institutions through partnerships and direct support.

He also emphasized on the goal of Photovoltaic (PV) Performance & Reliability, Research and Development (R&D) at NISE is to improve the Performance of SPV technologies. SPV Modules and systems are tested for long-term performance and stressed in the field, testing equipment, all to find R&D solutions to improve the Performance and Reliability of SPV Module and Systems.

Mentor Name – Dr. Surendra Singh (DEECE) and Dr. Santosh Kumar Yadav (DOME)

Department Name – Department of Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering and (DEECE) and Department of Mechanical Engineering (DOME)

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