Event Date: 14nd August 2024
Division of Chemistry, School of Basic Sciences, Galgotias University is proposing a 2 hour Invited Lecture on the topic “Tools for Atmospheric and Climate Change Modeling”. The Resource person for the event isProf. Krushna Chandra Gouda who is currently working as a Senior Principal Scientist at CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute, Bangalore, India. He is also a Professor of AcSIR under the faculty of Mathematical Information Science & Physical Sciences. He is a member in the High Impact Weather (HiWEATHER) project of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) since 2017. He is also having the affiliation of Honorary Scientist at Liverpool University, UK and CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia.
The lecture is organized in accordance with already running courses as part of the curriculum. (lecture mapping with Industry person.
C1UB407T-Disaster Management (B.Sc)
CIUD510T-Physics of Atmosphere & Climate change (B.Sc)
C1PM302T-Fluid mechanics (M.Sc)
This session aimed to bridge the gap between academia and industry by providing students with valuable insights into industry trends and career opportunities and by fostering mentorship relationships. Industry professionals, with extensive expertise, will engage with students and faculty members, facilitating knowledge exchange and discussions on aligning curriculum with industry requirements. The session was in collaboration with the courses being offered in the undergraduate as well as post graduate curriculum like Disaster Management, Physics of Atmosphere and Climate Change and Fluid Mechanics. It is also in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 13: Climate Action).
The program began with the welcome of the guest and beginning remarks by Hon’ble Pro Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Avadhesh Kumar.
Prof. K. C. Gouda introduced the concept of multidisciplinary research by highlighting the importance of collaboration of researchers from the field of sciences with those of engineering and how this collaboration can be beneficial for environmental conservation. He also informed the students about the daily activities that lead to generation of carbon footprint and e-waste. The students enjoyed the lecture and interacted with Prof. Gouda asking various questions.
Event Outcome
Mentor Name – Prof. Krushna Chandra Gouda
Department Name – School of Basic Sciences