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Java-J2EE Faculty Development Workshop

Event Date: 05th - 09th August 2024

The JAVA-J2EE Faculty Development Workshop, held from August 5 to August 9, 2024, was officially inaugurated by Dr. K. M. Babu, Vice Chancellor of Galgotias University. The ceremony was also graced by Dr. Shankar Ramamoorthy, Dean of the School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE), and Dr. Vineeta Khemchandani, Dean of the School of Computer Applications and Technology (SCAT).


Before the sessions began, participants completed a pre-assessment quiz, which lasted 15 minutes. This quiz was designed to gauge their existing knowledge and understanding of Java fundamentals and object-oriented programming concepts.

First Day: August 5, 2024

Session 1: Java Fundamentals, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles, and Inheritance
Resource Persons: Dr. J. N. Singh and Dr. Pradeep Singh

The first day began with a comprehensive session on Java fundamentals, conducted by Dr. J. N. Singh. This session provided participants with a strong foundation in core Java concepts, including Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles and inheritance. Dr. J.N. Singh expertise ensured a clear understanding of these essential topics, laying the groundwork for more advanced J2EE development.

Session 2: Abstraction, Packages, and Exception Handling

Resource Person: Dr. Pradeep Singh

In the afternoon, Dr. Pradeep Singh led a session focused on abstraction, packages, and exception handling. This session introduced critical Java features, emphasizing abstraction and the use of packages for organizing code. Additionally, Dr. Singh covered exception handling, which is crucial for robust Java programming. The interactive Q&A segment allowed participants to address specific questions and deepen their understanding of these concepts.

 Day 2: August 6, 2024

Session 1: Collection Framework and String Handling

Resource Person: Dr. N. Pratheeban

The day began with a session on the Collection Framework and String Handling, presented by Dr. N. Pratheeban. Dr. Pratheeban provided an in-depth overview of the Java Collection Framework, including its core components such as Lists, Sets, and Maps. He also covered essential String handling techniques, focusing on efficient text manipulation and storage. The session was interactive, featuring practical examples and exercises that facilitated a deeper understanding of these fundamental concepts.

Session 2: I/O Streams and Multithreading

Resource Person: Akhliesh Kumar Singh

In the afternoon, Akhliesh Kumar Singh led a session on I/O Streams and Multithreading. This session addressed the basics of Java's I/O Streams, including File I/O, Object Serialization, and various stream classes. Akhliesh Kumar Singh then covered multithreading concepts, such as thread creation, synchronization, and concurrent programming. The session included practical demonstrations and a Q&A segment, which allowed participants to resolve specific queries and deepen their understanding.

Day 3: August 7, 2024

Session 1 & Session 2: JDBC

Resource Person: Mr. Sharad Gupta

The third day featured two sessions on JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), conducted by Mr. Sharad Gupta. The first session introduced the basics of JDBC, including database connection, SQL query execution, and result handling. The second session advanced to more complex topics such as transaction management and batch processing. Mr. Gupta’s expert instruction, combined with practical examples and live coding demonstrations, provided participants with a thorough understanding of JDBC. The day concluded with a Q&A session and an assessment to evaluate participants' comprehension of the material.

Day 4: August 8, 2024

Session 1 & Session 2: Servlets and JSP

Resource Person: Mr. Lavish Arora and Mr. Rajeev

On the fourth day, Mr. Pradeep Singh conducted two sessions on Servlets and JSP (JavaServer Pages). The first session covered the fundamentals of Servlets, including their lifecycle, deployment, and integration with web applications. The second session focused on JSP, exploring its syntax, expression language, and capabilities for creating dynamic web content. Both sessions were interactive, featuring hands-on exercises and real-world examples. The day ended with a Q&A session for further clarification and an assessment to gauge participants’ progress.

Day 5: August 9, 2024

Session 1 & Session 2: Hibernate, Spring Core, and Spring Boot

Resource Person: Mr. Rajeev

The final day included two sessions led by Mr. Rajeev , focusing on Hibernate, Spring Core, Spring Boot and MVC. The first session introduced Hibernate, covering ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) concepts, configuration, and CRUD operations. The second session explored the Spring Framework, including Spring Core for dependency injection and Spring Boot for creating standalone, production-grade applications. Mr. Lavish Arora sessions included practical examples and demonstrations, providing participants with valuable skills in these technologies. The day concluded with a post assessment quiz and a valedictory session to formally close the event and recognize participants' achievements.

Overall, the event was a success, with each session offering valuable insights and practical knowledge. The expertise of the resource persons and the interactive format contributed to an enriching learning experience.

Event Outcome: 

The JAVA-J2EE Faculty Development Workshop, held from August 5 to August 9, 2024, achieved its objectives of enhancing participants' knowledge and skills in Java and J2EE technologies. The workshop was a comprehensive learning experience, offering a structured and detailed exploration of key concepts in Java development.

Key Outcomes:

  1. Foundational Knowledge:
    • Day 1: Participants gained a solid grounding in Java fundamentals, including Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles and inheritance, through sessions led by Dr. J. N. Singh. Dr. Pradeep Singh further enriched the participants' understanding by covering abstraction, packages, and exception handling, essential for effective Java programming.
  2. Advanced Concepts:
    • Day 2: The sessions on the Collection Framework and String Handling by Dr. N. Pratheeban, and I/O Streams and Multithreading by Akhliesh Kumar Singh, provided participants with in-depth knowledge of Java’s core libraries and concurrency management. This day emphasized practical applications and efficient coding practices, enhancing participants’ ability to handle complex data structures and multi-threaded applications.
  3. Database Connectivity:
    • Day 3: Mr. Sharad Gupta’s dual sessions on JDBC equipped participants with essential skills for database interaction in Java. The sessions covered basic and advanced JDBC topics, including transaction management and batch processing, ensuring participants could effectively manage database operations and integrate databases with Java applications.
  4. Web Development:
    • Day 4: Mr. Rajeev sessions on Servlets and JSP provided valuable insights into building and deploying web applications using Java. Participants learned about the lifecycle of Servlets, JSP syntax, and creating dynamic web content. The hands-on approach helped participants understand practical aspects of web development.
  5. Frameworks and ORM:

Day 5: The final day, also led by Mr. Rajeev, focused on Hibernate, Spring Core,Spring Boot and MVC . Participants learned about Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) with Hibernate and the use of Spring Framework for dependency injection and building robust applications. The practical sessions on Spring Boot prepared participants to develop production-ready applications.

Mentor Name – Dr. J. N. Singh, Dr. Pradeep Singh, Dr. N. Pratheeban, Mr. Sharad Gupta, Akhliesh Kumar Singh, Mr. Lavish Arora

Department Name – School of Computer Applications & Technology

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