Event Date: 13th May 2024
International nurse day is celebrated each year on 12 th May.
This day marks the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale who laid the foundation of modern nursing. International Nurses Day aims to highlight the importance of nurses in the healthcare sector. It also acts as an opportunity to thank nurses for their efforts and for taking care of patients around the clock. According to the World Health Organisation and International Council of Nurses, "this year's international day aims to reshape perceptions of nursing, demonstrating how strategic investment in nursing can bring considerable economic and societal benefits."
This year the day is celebrated on 13th May 2024 because of Sunday on 12th may.
The event started at 10:00 am in the morning with various competitive programs . Students of bsc nursing 2nd semester, 4th semester and 5th semester participated in rangoli, debate and quiz compititions. Thses compitions are held from 10am – 01 pm. The post lunch session is followed by cultural event.
The cultural event started after the arrival of chief guest Madam Neetu Bhadoria (Principal, GIMS College of Nursing ) at 2:00 pm . The host for the event was Mrs. Moika sharms. It started with the lamp lighting ceremoney followed by prayer dance by B.Sc Nursing 4th semester students. Then welcome along with falicitaion of the chief guest was done by Prof. Dr. Lekha bisht (Dean, SON). It was followed by beautiful folk dance performance by the students. After that the chief guest Madam Mrs Neetu Bhadoria (proncipal GIMS College of nursing) shared her views about changing trends and importance of nurses in the patiient care.
Furthermore, the prize distribution was done for the winners of model exhibition winners and for the compitions helf in the morning for ranoli , debate and quiz. This year on interanational nurses day the prize was given to Ms. Hanshika Aggarwal for her sincerety in clinicals and also for her overall performance in accademics. The event ended at 5 pm with vote of thanks.
Mentor Name – Ms. Monika Sharma
Department Name – Galgotias School of Nursing