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Innovation for an Individual with Disabilities

Event Date: 6th March 2024

The Speaker explained the Use of Assistive Technologies:

Communication Aids

A communication aid can be any tool that helps people communicate effectively. They’re most often used for those who have difficulty understanding or using speech to express themselves. 

Common examples include:

Picture boards and picture-based instructions

Apps for tablets, smartphones, etc.

Speech-generating software or devices

Eye-tracking speech and visual output devices

Augmentative and alternative communication devices (AACs)

Communication cards

Mobility Aids

Anything that can assist with movement, body alignment, balance, and coordination can be considered a mobility aid. These tools help support independence and empowerment by making it possible to move comfortably, safely, and effectively.

Examples of mobility aids include:


Canes, walking sticks, or walkers

Modified vehicles

Gait trainers/belts

Adaptive equipment, including modified eating utensils, writing tools, etc.

Orthopaedic shoes and devices

Sensory Tools

Technology that either regulates or makes up for a lack of sensory input is popular among individuals and families with developmental disorders. The power to take charge of sensory stimuli can be both freeing and essential.

Some popular sensory assistive devices include:

Noise-canceling headphones

Hearing aids

Cochlear implants

Black-out curtains

Sensory or stim toys

Smart Technology and Computer Tools

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities can often benefit from tools that help them utilize other resources. 

These technologies might simplify using computers, phones, or items in a person’s environment. The goal is to remove barriers that limit how much an individual can control or interact with their surroundings. 

Some examples include:


Voice-activated lights, thermostats, phone diallers, etc.

Adaptive keyboards

Touchscreen devices

Voice recognition software

Automated home technology

Medical monitoring and tracking devices

Mentor Name – Dr. Pallavi Jain

Department Name – School of Computer Application & Technology