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IDE Bootcamp

Event Date: 5th April 2024

The two-day IDE Bootcamp, organized by the Council for Educational Innovation in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, AICTE, and NCERT, and hosted by Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh, took place from April 4th to April 5th, 2024. The event aimed to promote innovation, design thinking, and entrepreneurship among school students and teachers, equipping them with essential skills for the future.

Inaugural Ceremony Highlights: The Virtual Central Inauguration marked a significant milestone in the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship in education, with Prof. Sitharam T.G underscoring AICTE's commitment to fostering a culture of innovation. Prof. Sitharam T.G's presence symbolized endorsement for nurturing creativity and problem-solving skills among the youth.

Day 1 Highlights: The first day commenced with a Virtual Central Inauguration by Prof. Sitharam T.G, Chairman of AICTE, emphasizing the importance of innovation in education. Esteemed speakers like Dr. Ruchi Gautam Pant and Mr. Sahil Chopra delivered insightful sessions on innovation, entrepreneurship, and unlocking entrepreneurial potential.

Participants engaged in workshops, mentorship sessions, and discussions, exploring various facets of entrepreneurship, from ideation to market entry. Dr. Garima Agarwal's session on entrepreneurial innovation and Mr. Nikhil Jain's success story further inspired attendees.

The day concluded with Dr. V K Arora's session, providing insights from incubator leaders, setting the stage for a transformative learning experience.

Closing Ceremony Highlights: The IDE Bootcamp Valedictory Ceremony commenced with warmth and gratitude towards all participants and stakeholders. Chief Guest Dr. Anita Gupta shared valuable insights, emphasizing the importance of innovation in addressing global challenges. Prof. (Dr.) K. M. Babu's Presidential Address inspired participants to continue their entrepreneurial journey with passion and perseverance, concluding the event on a high note of encouragement and appreciation.

Feedback & Takeaways: Participants lauded the comprehensive coverage of essential topics and the interactive nature of the sessions. They found real-world examples and case studies highly relevant and inspiring, providing actionable insights for their ventures. The inclusive learning environment and networking opportunities were also appreciated, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

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