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Expert talk Peripheral Intravenous catheter

Event started by a warm welcome to our speaker and addressing her with a brief description and achievements of her then she started her session talking about Protocols for peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVCs) typically involve guidelines for their insertion, maintenance, and removal to ensure patient safety and reduce the risk of complications. Here's a general outline of common protocols:

  1. Insertion Procedure: This includes steps for preparing the patient, selecting an appropriate vein, sterilizing the insertion site, inserting the catheter, securing it in place, and connecting it to the IV tubing.
  2. Site Selection: The choice of vein depends on factors such as the patient's age, medical condition, and the duration and purpose of the IV therapy. Common sites include the veins in the forearm, hand, and antecubital fossa.
  3. Catheter Size: Selection of the appropriate catheter size based on the patient's age, vein size, and the type of therapy being administered. Smaller catheters are typically used for paediatric patients, while larger catheters may be necessary for adults or for infusions with thicker fluids.
  4. Sterile Technique: Maintaining aseptic technique throughout the insertion process to prevent infection. This includes wearing gloves, using sterile equipment, and properly disinfecting the insertion site.
  5. Securement and Dressing: Ensuring the catheter is securely taped in place to prevent accidental dislodgment or movement. Transparent dressings are commonly used to allow for easy visualization of the insertion site.
  6. Monitoring and Maintenance: Regular assessment of the insertion site for signs of complications such as infection, infiltration, or phlebitis. Flushing the catheter with saline or heparin solution to maintain patency.
  7. Documentation: Recording the details of the catheter insertion, including the site, catheter size, date, and time, as well as any complications or patient reactions.
  8. Removal Criteria: Knowing when to remove the catheter based on factors such as completion of therapy, evidence of complications, or patient discomfort.
  9. Patient Education: Providing instructions to the patient on how to care for the catheter site, signs and symptoms of complications to watch for, and what to do if they experience any problems.
  10. Disposal: Properly disposing of used catheters and associated materials according to facility protocols and regulations.

These protocols may vary slightly depending on the specific policies of the healthcare facility and the preferences of the healthcare provider, but they generally adhere to principles of patient safety and infection control.

Event conducted on 06-february 2024 on topic peripheral intravenous catheter in collaboration with Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals Delhi. The speaker for the event was Akanksha Maurya clinical instructor at Indraprastha Apollo hospital. she gave knowledge about the protocols of peripheral intravenous catheter according to NABH. I Shivani organizer of the event gave her a warm welcome and she started her session which was about the preventive measures and techniques to keep in mind which was really helpful for our budding nursing students. she explained complications as well and their management Complications associated with peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVCs) can arise during insertion, while the catheter is in place, or upon removal. Here are some common complications:

Phlebitis: Inflammation of the vein, often characterized by redness, swelling, warmth, and tenderness around the insertion site. Phlebitis can be caused by mechanical irritation, chemical irritation from the infused solution, or infection.

Infiltration: Occurs when the catheter tip dislodges from the vein and the infused solution leaks into the surrounding tissues. Signs include swelling, pallor, coolness, and pain at the insertion site. Infiltration can lead to tissue damage and necrosis if not promptly addressed.

Extravasation: Similar to infiltration but involves the infiltration of vesicant or irritant solutions, leading to tissue injury. Extravasation can result in severe tissue damage, including necrosis and scarring.

Infection: Catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs) can occur when bacteria contaminate the catheter or insertion site, leading to bloodstream infection. Signs include fever, chills, malaise, and local inflammation at the insertion site. CRBSIs can be serious and may require antibiotic treatment.

Thrombophlebitis: Inflammation of the vein with concurrent formation of a blood clot (thrombus). It can cause pain, swelling, and redness along the vein. Thrombophlebitis increases the risk of complications such as pulmonary embolism if the clot dislodges and travels to the lungs.

Catheter Occlusion: Blockage of the catheter lumen, which can prevent the infusion of fluids or medications. Occlusion can be caused by factors such as blood clots, medication precipitates, or mechanical obstruction.

Catheter Dislodgment: Accidental displacement or removal of the catheter from the vein, which can disrupt therapy and increase the risk of complications such as infiltration or infection.

Allergic Reactions: Some patients may experience allergic reactions to materials used in catheters or to the medications or solutions infused through the catheter. Symptoms can range from mild itching and rash to severe anaphylaxis.

Nerve Injury: Rarely, insertion of a PIVC may injure nearby nerves, resulting in pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the affected limb.

Delayed Healing: Prolonged insertion of the catheter or repeated insertions in the same site can impede the healing process, leading to delayed wound closure and increased risk of complications.

Healthcare providers should monitor patients for signs of these complications and take appropriate action to prevent or manage them. This includes following proper insertion techniques, maintaining catheter care protocols, and promptly addressing any signs of complications. Our speaker cleared the doubts which were coming in students mind and explained them well so that it will be helpful for providing quality-based care with efficiency. At last, I thank her for being the part of the expert talk and spreading her knowledge among students and looking forward for more interactive and knowledgeable sessions.

Mentor Name – Ms. Shivani

Department Name – Galgotias school of Nursing

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