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Alumni talk by Jairaj

Event Date: 06th September 2024

School of Nursing in Galgotias University conducted one Alumni Talk on Career Counselling ‘On Preparation of Government exams’ in Nursing on 6th September,2024. The talk was successful and was attended by 5th and 1stsem. students. This talk was delivered by Mr Jairaj, currently working as Nursing officer in RML hospital, Lucknow, he initiated the talk with self- introduction. Jai raj was one of the brightest student and was good in academics and also in co-curricular activities. Ms. Mamta, Assistant Professor in GUSON was hosting this event and was introduced Mr. Jairaj and Dr Sonia Coordinator of the event has welcomed him. She extended a heartfelt welcome to the alumni and emphasized that he should make efforts to forge stronger bonds with their alma mater.

Afterwards, talk was started Mr. Jairaj talked on various career opportunities in nursing. Also, he has talked about the advancement in the profession. Jairaj shared the tricks with the students which were helpful for the Government exams. He also guided students how to prepare for Govt exams he also discussed the routine he followed. Students placed a number of questions and queries to the alumni regarding career, placement and the alumni address their queries. Few of the students even ask about importance of the subject and the concepts which they need to focused more for exams.


This was a fruitful talk for the students as they gain knowledge and idea about further highlighted the importance to study deeply from beginning to prepare for Government exams.


Student: 60

Faculty: 3


Special thanks to the volunteers, medical professionals, and all participants who played a vital role in Alumini Talk.

Conclusion and Future Recommendations

This was a fruitful talk for the students as they gain knowledge and idea about exams in nursing.

Event Outcome - Event was a great success which shows a lot of hard work and strength of group who worked altogether to achieve goal.

Mentor Name – Dr. Sonia

Department Name – Galgotias School of Nursing

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