Apply Now Convocation 2024 Enquire Now


Event Date: 26th Feb 2024

The journey towards fostering innovation and technological advancement through the AMD Pervasive AI Developer Contest began with the welcome of delegates from AMD and Shooting star foundation by Honourable Registrar of the Galgotias University and Dr. Sudheer Kumar Singh, Dean School of Engineering. Then technical session was conducted by Mr. Damodar Mogilipaka who has 8 years + experience at AMD through a virtual Zoom meeting, which saw an overwhelming turnout of over 350 participants. This session was during this virtual gathering, participants were introduced to the contest's objectives, categories, and the exciting opportunities it presented. Moreover, the upcoming offline session a four-hour interactive session conducted by Ms Sanjana, Program Manager, SSF & Ms. Vaidehi Kuite, Tech Mentor, SSF. This seminar promised students the chance to engage directly with mentors, discuss ideas, and brainstorm potential projects.

As anticipated, the event saw an impressive turnout, with over 200 students from both Galgotias University and Galgotia College of Engineering and Technology, along with faculty members and Heads of Departments (HoDs) from various departments, converging to participate. The active involvement of faculty members and HoDs underscored the importance of the event in promoting innovation and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration within the academic community.

The University's Tech Club, TechnoJam, emerged as a pivotal player in promoting the event among student enthusiasts. Through concerted efforts from the Galgotias University Student's Council and the Tech Club, awareness about the seminar spread rapidly across both campuses, generating enthusiasm and anticipation among students.

The seminar itself proved to be a dynamic and engaging affair, with attendees actively participating in discussions, asking questions, and sharing their insights and ideas. The presence of mentors provided invaluable guidance and mentorship to students, empowering them to explore new avenues in AI development and refine their project concepts.

Throughout the event, attendees were not only equipped with knowledge and skills related to the contest but also inspired to leverage technology for positive change. The inclusive and collaborative atmosphere fostered by the seminar encouraged students to think creatively, collaborate effectively, and push the boundaries of innovation.

In conclusion, the pre-event Zoom meeting and the subsequent offline seminar cum interactive session served as catalysts for empowering students to embark on their AI development journey. By providing a platform for education, collaboration, and mentorship, the event laid the foundation for a vibrant ecosystem of innovation within the academic community. As participants left the event with newfound knowledge, inspiration, and motivation, they were well-prepared to embrace the challenges and opportunities presented by the AMD Pervasive AI Developer Contest.

Mentor Name – Dr. Meenakshi Awasthi

Department Name – Department of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering

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