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2nd Field Visit Survey - Saksham 3.O (22nd Sep 2024)

Event Date: 22nd September 2024

Saksham 3.0, in collaboration with the Legal Aid Clinic and Pro Bono Club of Galgotias University, successfully organized its 2nd field visit survey on January 5, 2025. The event was held at Nagar Panchayat, Dankaur, Uttar Pradesh, and aimed to create awareness and gather insights into the community's perception and utilization of Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms. This initiative aligns with the club’s commitment to promote legal awareness and facilitate the accessibility of justice through non-litigious means such as arbitration, mediation, and conciliation. The field visit was guided by Prof. Poras Raj, who shared valuable insights on the principles and practical applications of ADR mechanisms.

Saksham 3.0, in collaboration with the Legal Aid Clinic and Pro Bono Club of Galgotias University, successfully organized its 2nd field visit survey on January 5, 2025. The event was held at Nagar Panchayat, Dankaur, Uttar Pradesh, and aimed to create awareness and gather insights into the community's perception and utilization of Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms. This initiative aligns with the club’s commitment to promote legal awareness and facilitate the accessibility of justice through non-litigious means such as arbitration, mediation, and conciliation. The field visit was guided by Prof. Poras Raj, who shared valuable insights on the principles and practical applications of ADR mechanisms. The team included volunteers from the Pro Bono Club, law students, and faculty members.

Key activities conducted during the survey included, Community Awareness Drive-Informative sessions were conducted to explain the concepts of arbitration, mediation, and conciliation. Real-life examples were used to demonstrate how ADR can provide quick and cost-effective solutions to disputes. Survey and Data Collection-Structured questionnaires were used to gather data on the types of disputes commonly faced by the residents of Dankaur. Participants were asked about their awareness and willingness to adopt ADR mechanisms. Interactive Sessions-Roleplays and mock mediations were organized to give the community a hands-on understanding of how ADR works. Residents actively participated and shared their concerns and feedback.

Event Outcome -The field visit survey conducted at Nagar Panchayat, Dankaur, on 17th November 2024, successfully achieved its objective of assessing community awareness about legal aid schemes. Volunteers actively engaged with residents, gathering valuable insights into their understanding of legal rights, access to aid, and whether they required free legal assistance. The survey also addressed issues such as domestic violence and child abuse, identifying individuals who might need immediate legal help and whether they possessed the necessary legal documents or required support in obtaining them.

The data collected highlighted the need for enhanced awareness campaigns and improved accessibility to legal aid resources in the region. Through this initiative, several community members were informed about the free legal aid services available to them, fostering trust and building awareness about their rights.

The survey also served as a platform for volunteers to develop practical skills in community engagement and advocacy. Overall, the program marked a significant step towards bridging the gap between legal resources and marginalized communities, reinforcing the mission of Saksham 3.O and Galgotias University to empower society through legal literacy, inclusivity, and meaningful outreach.

Mentor Name – Mr. Poras Raj, Dr. Ajay Pratap Singh

Department Name – School of Law

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